UK reiterates continued supports to the reforms

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia and the United Kingdom (UK) pledged to deepen ties based on a long tradition of cooperation while the former lauded the latter’s commitment in supporting Ethiopia on the ongoing transformational process, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated.

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, Jeremy Hunt, arrived here yesterday for a working visit.

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed also received Hunt at hi,s office later in the day, The Ethiopian Herald learnt.

Earlier, Foreign Affairs Minister Gedu Andargachew and Hunt conferred on issues of mutual interest, according to the Ministry.

“Ethiopia is undertaking significant reforms in areas of democratization, institutional capacity building, rule law and media freedom,” the minister said, appreciating UK for its suports

 extended to Ethiopia in areas of insti­tutional capacity building. In this re­gard the Minister particularly noted UK’s support to the National Elector­al Board of Ethiopia, according to the Ministry.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, on his part, commended the reform un­dertaken by the leadership in Ethi­opia and reiterated UK’s continued support to Ethiopia’s reform agenda, it added.

He also commended Ethiopia’s significant contributions in the maintenance of peace and security in the region, while also expressing his country’s commitment to work more closely with Ethiopia in such score.

Herald May 3/2019


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