Ambassador vows to elevate Ethio-German bilateral relations

ADDIS ABABA – The newly accredited Ethiopian Ambassador to Germany Ambassador Mulu Solomon vows to maintain and further elevate the growing bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Germany.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Press Agency, Ambassador Mulu noted that Ethiopia and Germany have had strong and fruitful diplomatic relations in various fields, ranging from cooperation in education to trade, among others. And both countries are ready to maintain it by giving it priority, she added.

The Ambassador further noted that Ethiopia had benchmarked Germany’s technical and vocational education and trainings (TVET) not only because it is highly regarded around the world, but also because Germany has been supporting Ethiopia’s TVET sector for the past two decades, and the Embassy would like to maintain.

Moreover, the efforts to draw in Germany companies to Ethiopia is bearing fruit, as reputable Germany companies signed MoUs with the government of Ethiopia to invest in Ethiopia. This move is expected to actualize technology transfer and help elevate bilateral relations to new heights.

Meanwhile, the Ambassador stated that she plans to engage and involve the Diaspora community [in Germany] in nation’s development activities regardless of their political position.

Ethiopia’s political landscape has entered a new chapter, and the embassy will work to ensure all identities are involved in the nation building process, she said.

Herald April 24/2019


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