Ethiopia shall rise!

It is expected that New Year for every people around the world flickers hope in the mind. But for us, Ethiopians, the decisive accomplishments made till yesterday, serve as springboard to our new journey that we start today.

We accomplished several milestones in the previous year. To mention but a few, the successful conclusion of the second filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and the 6th General Elections are important events in our history. Among other things, both become a reality as a result of the unity brought about among all Ethiopians and the government. Ethiopians home and abroad spearheaded by the reform administration of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) managed to lessen the undue pressure some external elements exerted. The role of friends of Ethiopia has also been immense and Ethiopians would cherish the friendship forever.

In line with this, the international community, especially some western states along with their renowned media stood against Ethiopia backing the terrorist group. In addition, the country was coerced to confront strong challenge from the side of Egypt and the Sudan in relation to the GERD which went up to standing in front of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) historically being the first country to defend water issue as not a security case. All these conspiracies targeted weakening the nation’s economy and making illegitimate its current administration. In the mean time, Ethiopia has realized that it has also true friendly states those stand in favor of its sovereignty in the diplomatic arena.

The days of the last year also lay Ethiopia’s remarkable foundations in the economic, social and political spheres. The unity of the people in standing for the national cause is unprecedented.

There is no doubting, all these marvelous successes will continue in the New Year in a greater magnitude and scale. The two turbines of the GERD will begin to generate electric power in the first months of the year. This will be good news for Ethiopians but a bitter pill to swallow for those standing against us. The new curriculum will also be applied as a pilot project.

Above all, ensuring the unity of Africa for mutual benefit will be realized. In this regard, the Premier tweeted on his official account: “A united Africa is the foundation of our continent’s growth. Our natural resources and human capital are sufficient to catapult Africa into greatness if we commit to working together. The time for Africa is now.”

Yes, the New Year will be the period of peace and prosperity.

The war waged against Ethiopia by the internal and external forces would surely be won shortly. We are the children of our heroic ancestors who secured victory over injustice in the battle field of Adwa. The victory had inspired all the oppressed. Our war now is against subjugation, our African brothers and sisters are by our sides as the inevitable victory is to us all.

The Ethiopian Herald  11  September  2021

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