Political parties signed covenant document

ADDIS ABABA ENA- Political parties have signed a binding covenant document today, which shows a potency drive in the rear of democratization in Ethiopia. The agreement has been signed in the presence of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, heads of Civil Society Organizations and renowned public figures.

Some 107 political parties have signed the agreement which consist twenty articles and three chapters. The milestone agreement was reached after extensive discussion for more than 16 hours that was organized by Netherlands Multiparty Democracy.

The covenant document will govern the political parties’ relationships and the general assembly and council are tasked to settle disputes among political parties. Political parties that were formed as a Front, an alliance and coalition will be represented by three leadership each in the general assembly, based on the covenant document, it was stated. The covenant allows each political party to delegate one member to the joint council, it was learned.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 15/2019

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