Together, we win

Ethiopia is currently encountering various challenges following the plots brewed by its internal traitors and external enemies who are working day after day to destabilize the country thereby realize their unfulfilled dreams. Since the past two or three years, these elements have been attempting untiringly to fuel conflicts through disseminating fake news targeting to instigate conflicts.

In actual fact, Ethiopia is not build based on the will and interest of some individuals; that is disintegrated when these groups frown and thrived when they smile. Rather, its pillars are its people and it is built by those selfless Ethiopians who have paid their blood so as to sustain its sovereignty and create independent Ethiopia.

For this very reason, no matter how nation’s internal traitors and external forces attempt to ruin the country and working to cast a dark shadow on nation’s progress, the sun will never set on Ethiopia`s soil. This is being witnessed within the last three years. Despite the fact that both external and internal elements attempt to stir the peace and stability of the nation, all developmental activities carried out across the country are executed all over the nation successively.

The Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD), which is the flagship of Ethiopians and is being constructed by the sweat and blood of Ethiopians, is the best example in this regard. The construction progress of the Dam is going well accordingly. Though our enemies may work hard day and night to cast a dark shadow on our progress; fabricate all fake news on us and propagate through international media to discredit our effort, they will never meet their absurd wishes and see a fallen apart Ethiopia, unless it is in their dream.

Needless to say that Ethiopia had seen five consecutive elections that totally ignored the true concept of democratic election. After the dismissal of TPLF Junta, the reformist government is doing its level best to hold democratic election- an election that is free from any form of treachery acts that had been practiced by the Junta.

As part of this plan, the government has organized an independent Election Board, offered freedom to media to report all the election processes, and arranged discussion and debate. These all are a clear indication of how committed the government is to the democratization process. Despite this effort; and without having sufficient information about what is going on in Ethiopia, there are external attempts carried out to intervene in local matters and twist Ethiopia`s hand towards their favor.

Ethiopia`s enemies (internal as well as external forces) are still brewing plots to weaken our integrity. Unfortunately, the more they fight us, the more they are cementing our unity and making us stronger than ever. It is undeniable fact that there were no times Ethiopia have traded its interest at the expense of its sovereignty. This is witnessed repeatedly and that is what our history also speaks. No matter how hard the situations were, no matter how strong its enemies were, Ethiopia and Ethiopiansm had never compromise their pride.

In fact, for some, the challenges the country is in now seem to be sweeping and unbeatable. But, we are Ethiopians and no matter what, we never fail to defend our challenges. As Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed once said though Ethiopia has been going through number of challenges and difficulties, and nation’s renaissance seems bizarre and far-fetched today, we do not lose hope even for fractions of a second as our future is in the hands of ours. We will overcome all the challenges and heralded Ethiopia’s renaissance triumphantly.

The Ethiopian Herald June 2/2021

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