Aggressive diplomatic measures should not threaten strategic partnership

 Ethiopia is one of the nations with a long and proud history of statehood that founded the United Nations and one of the early members of the League of Nations. It is also one of the architects of the African Union.

Ethiopia is also a country on the rise that many countries are trying to emulate as it is among those fastest-growing countries in the world even during the peak of COVID-19 outbreak that threatened many nations.

As Senator Jim Inhofe recently said on briefing the Senate, Ethiopian people and government launched a comprehensive package of political and economic reforms in 2018, being driven by a commitment to realize the objectives of democracy, peace and prosperity.

As a result, the government of Ethiopia must exert all its possible efforts to augment the prosperity of the nation in one or the other way prioritizing unity, peace and democracy to guarantee peaceful and stable living in the country and the horn.

As well, all those who wish the wellbeing of Ethiopians and the horn would have assisted Ethiopia in a manner that democratizes, unifies, prospers and stabilizes the region.

However, as the external dimension of our peace mission started bearing the desired fruits, our internal peace was threatened by hardline members of the old order. And particularly the terror designate –TPLF junta has deployed everything within its hands to subvert the reform process and bring themselves back to power undemocratically.

TPLF and its allies have taken extraordinarily disappointing terror actions against the people of Ethiopia that it massacred over a thousand innocent people in different parts of Ethiopia besides terror attack in what they-themselves admitted and called a “lightning preemptive attack” on military base of the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defense Force in the deadliest night of November 4, 2020.

Their heartlessness is that their atrocity was on the military members who have been in foxholes for over twenty years to sacrifice themselves in protection of the innocent Tigray people while the leaders of the front have been mugging the nation through their patronage networks.

By no means and nowhere in the world, such a cruelty should be supported unless it is by the perpetrators of the terror actions against the people of Ethiopia and the sovereignty of the nation.

International partners should also lend a hand to respond to our needs rather than imposing sanctions that would help realize the interests of our enemies.

Therefore, Ethiopia believes that President Joe Biden’s administration would understand that the war on this nonnegotiable criminal remnant should not be ceased for a second.

Though Ethiopia is very grateful for the concerns of the US government, it upholds the firm belief that it should make sure the aggressive diplomatic action would not incline in favor of the remnants of junta.

Nevertheless, Ethiopia’s commitment to the multilateral cooperation and a world order based on the principles and norms of international law is firm, long standing and unwavering. Ethiopia has always been a vanguard of rules-based internal system. Democracy, the role of law, peace and prosperity are also immutable.


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