Accelerated relief and rehabilitation support for citizens in Tigray


While the international media outlets and social media hooligans are busy jointly disseminating fabricated and unfounded false news and accusations about the situation in Tigray, the peoples and government of Ethiopia, international and local NGOs are effectively conducting relief and rehabilitation programs that are already showing marked results.

Instead of doing their part in helping to ease the plight of our citizens in Tigray and Metekel, Digital Woyane, Tigray Online and other fugitive media companies in the pay roll of TPLF and their stooges have continued to shed crocodile tears on makeup news and misinformation with contents of hate, bad language and unprofessional gossips through YouTube channels.

They still hope and day dream that someday they will come back to their ivory towers they built for TPLF by the resources they stole from the peoples of Ethiopia and reintroduce their tyrannical rule on Ethiopians.

Instead of supporting their own kith and kin in Tigray, these experts of falsehood are providing propaganda support for TPLF with no care for the peoples of Tigray.

Their war cry is a double jeopardy on the peoples of Tigray who honestly provided them with support they needed during their treacherous struggle to sow discord and hatred among the peoples of Ethiopia in the name of democracy and self-determination.

Even from the outset, the leaders of TPLF were using popular buzz words like revolutionary democracy, democratic rights and other popular catchwords while in their actions they were driving thousands of innocent citizens whom they thought were in opposition to their views into dungeons in which they were torturing citizens.

However, the State of Emergency Task Force for Tigray reported that the government has expended a total of 8 billion Birr towards the emergency relief program in the region and additional 80 million Birr in non-food support.

In the area of rehabilitating various infrastructural facilities, the government conducted massive rehabilitation on 20 hospitals and another 70 health service centers in various parts of the region.

In the education sector, the government delivered educational materials and accessories to the tune of 90 million Birr.

As part of enforcing the rule of law in the region, the security forces have rounded up those who committed atrocities against the peoples of Tigray and Amhara in Mai Kadra, Axum and Humera. In order to facilitate full access to international organizations who were conducting relief programs in Tigray and contrary to the accusations of the EU and global relief program developers.

In his discussion with Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed on bilateral and relief program in Tigray, US Senator Jim Inhofe has not only appreciated the response so far made by the government but promised that his country will cooperate with the government in supporting the ongoing relief and rehabilitation program in Tigray.

He noted on his twitter account that he discussed with Abiy about the situation in Tigray and on opening access to the region. He underscored on a significant development that represents a positive turn around that will promote regional stability &transparency.

For over 27 years, TPLF was busy undermining the unity among the peoples of Ethiopia while international media centers referred to the special forces organized and trained by government fund as Tigray Defense counter opposing to the Ethiopian Defense forces thus denying the statehood and sovereignty of the country.

TPLF particularly planned to destroy the spirit of unity among the peoples of Ethiopia by commissioning a federal system that was subservient to the interest of TPLF. It cunningly targeted the spirit of Ethiopian unity and Ethiopianisim to be replaced by narrow nationalist and liquidations system fully under the control of TPLF.

It is to be noted that the same international media companies that have now allied with TPLF’s propaganda machinery were condemning the late Prime Minister Melese Zenawi as a dictator while they used to condemning TPLF as pro socialism.

As I have stated in my pervious contribution despite the falsehood and allegations that TPLF is fanning through Digital Woyane and other media outlets abroad, the government of Ethiopia is exerting coordinated efforts to restore peace and stability in the entire country.

The OLF/ Shene conspiracy is also being shattered by the practical solidarity that the peoples of Ethiopia are showing to their fellow citizens in Tigray.

This home grown and traditional solidarity has been going on in the country whenever a crisis flares up in any part of the country. The relief supports that civil society organizations are providing to the needy in Tigray is also a practical answer to the propaganda of hatred and war mongering campaign on the sovereignty of the country.

A couple of days back, Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa and head of the Harari State have visited Tigray in lieu of providing relief food and non-food supplies to the provisional administration of the region and per the request from the provisional administration, the nations, nationalities and peoples across Ethiopia are collecting relief and rehabilitation supplies to the region.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has also personally donated relief fund and 3 water tankers acquired from fund received from sale of Medemer book and from his personal contribution worth more than 200 million Birr.

Ethiopia is already closing up on producing enough dry land wheat through massive irrigation schemes as import substitution for purchase of wheat from abroad. This country is also on the right track to produce food oil supplies in a couple of years and probably even sooner.

Ethiopia will flourish before all to see and will thrust itself from the bondage of capitalist peripheral economy which uses aid as an instrument of dictating their orders on poor countries which are already entangled in a vicious circle,

Ethiopia will therefore not be intimidated by the empty and hawkish propaganda by biased international media and is getting ready to conduct the 6th National Election to be conducted in less than three months.

The Ethiopian Herald March 6/2021

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