Stunning photographs of recent law enforcement operation


A photograph is a viable means of depicting an object or situation. Photographing is a systematic approach. It presupposes fathoming what is due to unfold. This helps to properly depict the object so as to exhibit readable and eye-catching scenes to viewers.

As it is like elsewhere in the world, Ethiopians have been utilizing photo art for different purposes: capturing moments for memory, enjoying oneself, educating viewers conveying key messages, among others. In this regard, often, photo exhibitions aim at educating citizens on a particular issue.

Recently, the Ethiopian Press Agency had organized a photo exhibition entitled “Campaign for Justice’’ at the National Theater. The pictures showcased the atrocious crimes of the Junta that compelled the federal government to get into unplanned law enforcement operation. Most of the pictures exposed junta’s inhuman acts and its brutality.

Ayehu Molla is a teacher, artist and playwright. It was by coincidence he attended the event. He told The Ethiopian Herald “The photos are so powerful to narrate about the minutest details of the operation since they are right from the spot when every action is taking place.

They are accurate and animated in a way to afford a window to the operation to anyone who didn’t observed the situation in person than any other report disseminated on the media.”

Although the media have been trying to report the situation regardless of shortcomings. The exhibition had also depicted the endeavors of journalists who tried to report the operation from the spot putting their lives at risk. When it comes to quality and perspective most of the photos were especial and up to the standard.

He added “Not in the distant future I have plans to make a film based on the photos exhibited by the Ethiopian Press Agency. I am seriously worried to do this, because it is very powerful to conjure up in mind the exact or real mood of the situation on the spot. But I will try to meticulously make it because it is part of history and helps to educate citizens. ’’

He has produced a historic theatre revolving around the heroism of Alula Aba Nega. The theatre named after the hero was staged for more than two years. He has also produced a musical theater out of a poem Yeaxum Chaf Akumada by the renowned Ethiopian poet Debebe Seifu. The poem shows the love and affection of citizens for one another both in good or bad times also leaders and nation’s progress through years.

Flipping back, artistic works mainly revolving around history, culture, and musical theaters are his major favorites, while such exhibitions have dual significances to understand the exact situation on the ground and prepare different genres of literature.

On the exhibition, the Ethiopian Press Agency CEO Getinet Tadesse noted “The cardinal objective of the exhibition is providing authentic news supported by photographs. This allows slamming fake news pertaining to the law-enforcement operation in Tigray state.”

According to him, journalism is a profession that affords a sense of pride because of its fact -finding nature as well as the priority it attaches to national and community interests. During the law-enforcement operation, a number of fake news had been disseminated from various directions.

On the other hand, a number of heroic journalists of integerity have produced valid news based on the fact on ground reporting from the exact spot as events captured by the pictures. This has been playing a significant role for countering the fake news, stabilizing the community in various parts of the country, enabling the operation to ensure law and order.

Commander in Chief in the Naval Force Rear Admiral Kindu Gezu on his part said that “war is the ultimate sharp end of political interest when political parties fail to solve the problem through discussion”.

Likewise, a Social and Military science perceives that conflict is natural. As such it can’t be absent among the people but what aggravates it to havoc is the wrong approach management adopts. Among the reasons, ‘fear,’ ‘vanity,’ and ‘ill-conceived interest’ were mentioned.

According to Kindu, the war was not held simply between the people of Tigray and the rest of the country, it was rather held between the TPLF junta and the Ethiopian people. On the other hand, the Junta group was destructive and junta members were always assuming themselves beyond the people. Of course, interest by itself does not show bad intention but assuming personal gain over the public is negative initiation to a free fall.

He further added that the TPLF junta group had two cards with ill will of creating a failed state through disarming the entire army in one hand and dismantling the nation on the other hand. The unwise inspiration behind this motive was to get power if it would have not been annihilated by the national defense force.

Therefore, the exhibition will have a significant role in forestalling such harmful activities which is why journalists and photographers describe the truth on the ground through their reports and photographs. It also helps for historians, researchers, authors and the like to educate citizens.

The Ethiopian Herald February 18/2021

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