The story of the two Abdelfattahs


The first is Abdelfattah Egyptian Field Marshal who was born in Cairo. And the second Abdelfattah is a Sudanese Lieutenant General who was born in North of Sudan. The Field Marshal and The Lieutenant General drink from River Nile as we do. They now are leaders of their respected countries.

The first one is Field Marshal Abdel Fattah el Sisi of Egyptian army. And his name sake is Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al Burhan of the Sudanese Army.

Abdel Fettah al Burhan was born in the North of Sudan in Qundto. He had a military training in Egypt. When he became a de facto leader of the country as he is the leader of military council of Sudan, his first visit was to the land of his name sake-Egypt.

As for me, this can give clue who and what his focus is. After he seized power as the country`s head of state, he was once criticized for suppressing an uprising with the backing of Egypt and other governments. I am not sure how harmoniously he is working with his Prime Minister Dr. Abdalla Hamdok as he does with his name sake.

Anyway, the two Abdelfattahs are cooperating in many ways for the benefit of the people of the two countries namely Sudan and Egypt. That is a good one. But it should not be at the expense of Ethiopia that is constructing the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile.

The three countries share this river. As Ethiopia makes it clear time and time again, Nile has to be a river of cooperation. But some elements in both Abdulfattah al Burhan and Abdulfattah al Sisi`s governments are making it bone of contention though the reality is the opposite.

Another of area of cooperation of The Arab Republic of Egypt and The Sudan is military. It again is good that they cooperate militarily and it is their right. However, it would have been much better if the cooperation gives priorities for poverty eradication and it should not meant to conspire against Ethiopia.

It seems the military exercise recently held had not been genuine in respect of what I have just mentioned. If it was, it would have been held at any time than at the time their good neighbour is in law enforcement deed in the north of the country. Moreover, Sudan has invaded and occupied some parts of the peripheries of Ethiopia which border the country.

The first Abdulfattah is well aware of the burning issue when the troops of the second Abdulfattah marched against Ethiopia. Even the media from Cairo, which chew sand using Khartoum`s teeth, screamed Sudan has the right to protect its Sovereignty. Yes it has the right to protect its territorial integrity we believe.

But where have they been when Egypt forcefully snatched Halieb Triangle from Sudan. Why don’t they write on Egypt returning islands like Sanafir to Saudi Arabia? Why don’t they call a spade a spade? If the presidency and media in Cairo had been genuine, they would have worked for the trilateral benefits of Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia than playing a yellow press role. Agitating Sudan against Ethiopia is neither Egyptian nor Sudanese patriotism.

I hope humble Sudanese have their own ideas on how to defend their country without being pushed by others and without bleeding the noses of peace loving neighbours like Ethiopia.

But, though it is not favoured by peace loving Sudanese and most leadership, they have bleed Ethiopia`s nose by invading it. Ethiopia is still looking for peaceful solution for this military hooliganism.

However, this patience and a desire to looking for diplomatic solution is not being cowardice. As Ethiopia`s Foreign Ministry Spokes Person, Ambassador Dina Mufti said you may not retaliate one who bumps your nose by bumping his nose. There may come a time in which you slash his neck. Allah forbids that! No one benefits from war.

But it might have been inevitable that Ethiopia may go to war against the occupying Sudan. A good neighbor pacifies the region not destabilize it by giving armament to his neighbor. The first Abdulfattah needs to do that for the second Abdulfattah, if he wants to prove he is a good neighbour.

Just recently I heard that Abdulfattah al Burhans`s government has planned to implement additional development works on the River Nile. I also heard that Abdulfattah El Sisi`s Egypt has power projects in which it sells energy to Greece and Cyprus via submarine power cable. What is the mistake if Ethiopia in doing such development activity without harming neighbours?

The Ethiopian Herald February 16/2021

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