Ajora: Superb tourism site


The Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ State has not yet been known for its magnificent and wonderful cultural and natural attractions.

The national parks such as the Omo National Park and River, Nech Sar, Mago as well as Chebera Churchura National Park are few among others that make the State inimitable in its endowments and at the same time enticing blessings.

Likewise, the waterfalls of Dorsso and Barta, the magnificent cultural practices of the Hammer, Konso, Dorze, Derashe and Dasanach are the other attractions that the State is known for.

Wolaita Zone, like other parts of the State, is also known for its natural gifts. Ranging from the plants commonly known as enset, false banana, the Zone is also famous for its water falls.

Administratively, the Wolaita Zone is with in the Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ State (SNNPS) bordering with Gamo Gofa, Dawro in the west by the Omo River, Hadya and kambatta in the north, Sidama and Oromia states in the east regional state.

The Zone is one of the thirteen zones of the southern region, covering a total area of 4471.3 km2. For administrative purpose it is divided in to 13 woredas namely, Boloso Sore, Damot Galle, Damot Woyde, Soddo zuria, Kindo Koisha, Offa, Kindo Didaya, Humbo, Damot sore, Damot Fulasa, Duguna Fango, Boloso Bombe, according to Wolaita Zone Culture and Tourism Bureau 2011.

According to 2007 national census, the total population number of the zone is 1,676,128 with 854,086 male population and 842,042 female. Regarding the land utilization data, 261,000 hectares is used for cultivation, 5,318 ha for grazing, 8,261 ha Bush land and the remaining 35382.5 ha is cultivable land.

It is here the magnificent waterfalls; ‘The Twin Ajora’, is located. The Waterfalls which is perfect for hiking and refreshment, is spectacularly located at Boloso Bombe Woreda, Wolaita Zone, bordering Kambatta Tambaro zone in the north, locally known as Haddaro mola kebele, in the south, in the locality of Ajora Kebele, Tiyona gore in the east and in the west with Dawro zone. The twin waterfalls and wildlife as well as different bird species with dense forest makes the area aesthetically attractive.

As the local people stated, Ale Aken, the name Ajora came from the earliest settlers of the area known as Yaga or Ajora clans. These clans used to live in Ajora Gorge. He further noted that clan of Yaga came from Tambaro locality and settled in the plain located between the gorges. They were dependent on cultivation and animal breeding. But their lives did not last long as the then king of Wolaita, Kawo Amado waged war against them, and killed many and subjugated the rest. Their belongings were destroyed by the king’s soldier.

Ajora Cliff is located between Sokei River which flows from Tambaro and Ajecho River in Wolaita. There is about 1.65 km distance between those rivers. The plain made after the waterfall, goes up to the border of Dawro Zone. This vast area is covered by dense forest and is home to various wild animals.

On the other hand, the piece produced by Tadios Taba (2003) puts the name Ajora as “a Wolaita term which means deep hole” but it is unable to identify when and how it was formed. The falls are formed from the rivers of Sokei and Ajecho. These are the most impressive and attractive falls in the Southern State and is believed to be the tallest in Ethiopia.

Other documents stated, the meaning of Ajora, in Wolaita language is deep. Hence, the place was named because of the twin waterfalls found in this area. It covers a geographical area of 280 hectares of land.

The first Ajora fall has 210 meter length and 2.5 m width and it is named Ajecho. The second Ajora fall is 170m in length and 1m in width and named Sokei. The twin waterfalls join together at a place called “Buqula” and flow to Omo Valley.

The Ajecho falls water comes from Wolaita area, while the Sokei falls source is formed on the border of kambatta and Wolaita.

The width of the streams is changing and in dry seasons the flow of water might become less impressive (but does not stop), but in rainy periods from the cliff falls huge amount of water.

The gushing stream, the magnificent smoke and stormy sounds produced by the twin waterfalls are stunning and attractive to the eye of the visitors.

Access to transport system to reach the destination is available, and possible by car, airplane, bicycle, and similar mode of transport.

The area is located 458 km, away from Addis Ababa via Shashemene, 300 km via Hosanna-Soddo road, 238 km from the capital of the State, Hawassa, 68 km from the seat of Wolaita zone, Soddo and 20 km away from Bombe the center of Boloso Bombe woreda.

St. Tekle Haymanot Monastery and the holy water which has a very significant value to the earliest Christianity of Wolaita during the reign of king kawo Sasso Mottalomi still remain another attraction to the Ajora.

The Ethiopian Herald 12 February 2021

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