Oiling the wheels of regional integration

From time remembers, Ethiopia has been the key player in the regional and continental issues and also a frontrunner to ensure peace and togetherness in the world. The nation has been tested in various scenarios and showed its commitment to live in harmony with its neighbors and the entire world too.

Ethiopia has indeed sacrificed a lot in a number of occasions in order to ensure the regional stability and integration along with addressing regional challenges in the Horn of Africa. In this regard, the nation has shown its positive impact in Sudan and Somalia regarding peace and security and addressing problems. The country has also been working on building economic and social togetherness in the region.

In addition, Ethiopia’s supporting hands still stretch to its neighbors which are manifested in the act of receiving a huge amount of refugees from Sudan. Again, the nation has also sacrificed its troops to ensure peace and stability in Somalia. Ethiopia’s effort is solely to live in peace with its neighbors. The country has even taken the initiative to end the conflict in Sudan and reduce the consequences.

On top of that, Ethiopia has also been a partner for the people and government of South Sudan working on mutual benefits and cooperation. The two nations have also agreed to work on various bilateral co-operations.

Speaking of bilateral and regional cooperation, Ethiopia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Taye Atske-Silassie confirmed Ethiopia’s support for the Sudanese people in their quest for peace. Commending those working to restore stability in Sudan and emphasized the importance of consolidating progress in various initiatives, Taye stressed that lasting peace must be driven by the Sudanese themselves.

The ambassador also affirmed Ethiopia’s support for South Sudan in implementing the revitalized peace agreement. He also highlighted Ethiopia’s commitment to maintaining strong, respectful relationships with countries across Africa and the world.

On the other hand, the recent escalated tension between Ethiopia and Somalia is believed to be resolved through peaceful dialogue. After the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland, Ethiopia and Somalia have been trying to resolve their differences. The two nations have plenty to share in common than to be argued. Ethiopia, on this particular issue, affirms its commitment to resolve the issue peacefully without adding a third party intervention.

The two counterparts understand the sacrifices that Ethiopia paid for the overall peace and stability of Somalia and the Horn at large. Ethiopian troops have been in Somalia for over a decade to fight Al- shabab and bring back peace. In good truth, Ethiopia’s sacrifice in the Horn and especially in Somalia is well noted even by the international community.

The two counterparts have also been working on promoting and strengthening the diplomatic and developmental partnership. Ethiopia is always committed for regional integration. Foreign Affairs Minister Taye also underscored that Ethiopia has been striving for regional integration and mutual benefits through shared development aspirations among nations in the region.

Ethiopia has been making relentless efforts to bring about overall development and prosperity through forging its regional development and trade relations. By bolstering diplomatic relations and overcoming challenges, the country has registered lots of successful results on many fields, the foreign minister noted.

Ethiopia’s national interests are based on its need today and its interest in the future, Taye explained, the fundamental national interests of Ethiopia are based on its todays need and future interests.

Hence, Ethiopia’s diplomatic interests is aimed at fostering regional integration and ensure mutual benefits, Taye stressed, adding the efforts being underway will be intensified. Ethiopia is firm to resolve differences through diplomatic means and give and take principle. The core foundation for sustainable development and growth is peace and he emphasized the need for working together to achieve sustainable peace.

Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie emphasized that the people of the Horn of Africa, united by strong friendships and community ties, are no longer bound by past hostilities.

Taye advocated peaceful resolution of differences to reclaim lost opportunities for shared growth, warning against attempts to drive a wedge between communities across borders. Ethiopia values the shared history and traditions with neighboring communities, noting that past hostilities should no longer hinder cooperation.

The ambassador underscored that efforts to create divisions between communities are futile and emphasized the importance of resolving differences peacefully to reclaim opportunities for shared growth.

He highlighted Ethiopia’s ongoing concerns about the situation in Somalia, noting the sacrifices made by Ethiopian troops in the pursuit of peace and the desire to avoid chaos spilling over the border.

Since 2005, the Ethiopian troops have made significant sacrifices to support the stability of Somalia, with many individuals losing their lives in the process. It is inappropriate to undermine the sacrifices made by this troops, FM Taye underlined stressing the need for Ethiopia and Somalia to strengthen their joint efforts to combat terrorism and tackle al-Shabaab.

Accordingly, during his roundtable discussion with journalists from local and international media, United States Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa (SEHOA) Ambassador Mike Hammer stated that the United States wants to see peaceful and good relations between all countries in the region- the Horn- and certainly between Ethiopia and Somalia.

“We urge both, to find ways to move forward and look how they can continue to work together. We are well aware of the ENDF’s and Ethiopia’s sacrifice in Somalia in the fight against Al Shabab. That’s what we should be focusing on from the U.S. perspective. How can we support Somalia in its fight against Al Shabab? And that’s really what we’re concerned about and that of course requires that there be a good relationship between the two countries. And when we talk to the leaders in the region, we ask that hopefully that they can find ways again to increase cooperation.”

“There is no reason that these two countries should have difficulties that can’t be resolved, again, through conversations, but both countries need to accept the basic principles outlined frankly by the AU Charter which is an affirmation and recognition and understanding of each other’s territorial sovereignty, integrity, and unity.”




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