Zooming in value-added minerals


It is abundantly clear that Ethiopia is inundated with a considerable amount of natural resources that come into existence in every nook and cranny of the country. On top of that, the length and breadth of the country have enormous potential to lift the status of Ethiopia’s economy and create a considerable amount of job opportunities all over the country.

Nowadays, Ethiopia has been pulling out all the stops with the object of putting to use mineral resources positioned in various parts of the country. The varied geology of the nation located all over the country provides an extensive range of minerals and geo-energy potential.

However, based on a shortage of knowledge, skill, capital, and technology, the nation has not been making the most of the mineral resources.

Even though Ethiopia is endowed with gold, platinum, phosphorus, iron, salt, potash, natural gas, construction minerals, and things of that sort, the country is not able to achieve the desired goal.

Sad as it might sound, the natural resources of the country have not been utilized in a way that can transform the nation’s economy at the earliest possible time given that they export various minerals devoid of adding value.

In a fashion similar, Ethiopia is known for its high-class tantalum deposit that is brought into being in a few countries worldwide. Speaking of which, tantalum plays a significant role in manufacturing capacitors that are found in a wide spectrum of electronic equipment.

To achieve the envisioned target, Ethiopia should be able to bring up to date the mining practice and set up a processing plant for smoothing the production and enlightening its economic value as much as possible.

According to scholars, some countries do not allow tantalite that contains radioactive substances higher than the acceptable level. If we process the tantalum ore instead of exporting the raw, we can increase the income generated by three-four folds in addition to addressing the aforementioned impediments.

Processed or value-added we would get close to millions of USD. Put the matter another way, we can considerably increase the foreign currency that would be obtained by exporting the raw tantalum ore.

“This should be expanded to other minerals with a focus on value addition to them, to harvest the maximum benefit. We have to process our mineral resources and enhance economic value.

It is not prudent to export raw mineral ores. Processing of mineral ores locally will also allow us to expand the chemical industries and create additional jobs for youth,”

In the present climate, as the number of undergraduate and post graduate students in the chemical engineering field in various higher learning institutions of the country has been on the rise year on year, pertinent bodies should be able to work hand-in-glove. In doing so, they can get to the bottom of the problem in the shortest possible time.

While on the subject, chemical engineers have been playing a part in numerous parts of the country in transfiguring untapped resources into cherished yields in the most well-organized, pecuniary, and environment-friendly way.

In addition to utilizing their knowledge in picking the best production approaches as well as plant equipment to diminish costs and take full advantage of wellbeing and productivity, they play a major role in utilizing inputs required for production.

As learnt from the website of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, Ethiopia’s geology shows extraordinary potential for exploration and development. Investors can invest in various parts of the country seeing that there is an enormous amount of opportunities.

For instance, Ethiopia is filled with metallic minerals (gold, platinum, iron, nickel, chromite, and base metals), fertilizer raw minerals (potash and phosphate), gemstones (sapphires, emeralds, fiery opals), energy minerals (lithium, graphite and tantalum, oil shale and coal), cement raw minerals (limestone, gypsum, clay, pumice), ceramics raw minerals (kaolin, feldspar), glass raw minerals (silica sand), Dimension stones (marble, granite, limestone, sandstone, diatomite, bentonite, soda ash, salt, graphite, and sulphur), and natural gases and hydrocarbons.

As things stand at present, Ethiopia has been flexing its wings in bringing into play its untapped mineral resources despite the wished-for target has not been attained yet.

Among other things, pertinent bodies should move heaven and earth to give the green light companies to process ore targeting at adding value to a wide spectrum of minerals positioned in every nook and cranny of the country by decreasing tax. In doing so, it is possible to raise foreign currency that can be obtained from mineral resources and generates several job opportunities.

Ethiopia should give up exporting raw materials without adding value. If we fail to do so, the benefit Ethiopia secures out of the mineral resources of the country will not be as attractive as other African countries.

The Ethiopian Herald February 3/2021

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