Hasty climbers have sudden falls


Everything changes. Nothing lasts forever in life. Everything is not as easy as falling off a log, and low-hanging fruit. A narrow-minded attitude once in a great while leads to failure beyond a shadow of a doubt. As a general rule, evil acts backfire in several instances. According to religious texts, the measure you give will be the measure you get back.

It is a well-known fact that the TPLF junta officials were taking a role in ill-considered and satanic acts with the aim of hampering the democratic transition of the country and throwing cold water on the efforts of the government on several occasions. More to the point, they were unceasingly getting off track and missing the wished-for target every now and then.

Among other things, the TPLF Junta officials were unflatteringly busy getting themselves involved in unlawful acts with the object of doing away with the federal government from power in a very short space of time.

Worse still, the TPLF junta officials professed to have validated their polling law and established a polling commission. They were unwaveringly displaying their disdain for the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia now and then. Notwithstanding the fact that the government of Ethiopia pulled out all the stops to get to the bottom of the problem through dialogue, the juntas were not in the position to lend their ears every once in a while.

To the surprise of everyone, they played a part in sowing the seeds of hatred in the various Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ of Ethiopia on numerous occasions. Nothing makes them happier than stoking unrest in every corner of the country.

In exceptional situations, although the Federal Government repeatedly and unfailingly affirmed its commitment to straighten out all differences by nonviolent means, the TPLF junta officials kept on building disproportionate militaries by conscripting, coaching, equipping, and things of that sort with the objective of destabilizing the country and taking back their power.

One fine day, the TPLF junta officials’ clique attacked the Ethiopian National Defense Forces that has been located in the Tigray region for many years, and triggered inconceivable human misery. At the commencement, they were very sure that they would grow out to be victorious over the Ethiopian National Defense Forces and get rid of the federal government from power within a very short time.

However, as the Ethiopian National Defense Forces accomplished the law enforcement operation with flying colors at the earliest possible time, all their efforts went for nothing. The envisioned target of the operation was to bring fugitives to justice, enforce law and order in the Tigray region, and all that kind of crap.

Following the accomplishment of the law enforcement operation, Ethiopians residing in the length and breadth of the country turned out to be infinitely happy.

In the present circumstances, apart from enforcing law and order in the Tigray region, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces have been establishing a legitimate administration.

With the passage of time, the Ethiopian National Defense forces, set in motion capturing the TPLF junta officials from every nook and cranny of the region bringing into play a wide spectrum of effective strategies.

Against this background, Ethiopians got underway communicating their feelings, ideas, and thoughts in a wide spectrum of ways, and feeling on top of the world.

Above and beyond, when the Ethiopian National Defense Forces captured Sebhat Nega, Ethiopians filled with joy and happiness in a little while. They failed to control their innermost feelings provided that the juntas had been turning the lives of the general public into a living hell for nearly three decades.

When every Tom, Dick, and Harry heard the news, they could not believe their ears. They felt over the moon in the shortest possible time.

In this day and age, quite a lot of TPLF junta officials have been captured from various parts of the Tigray region. Just to mention a few, Sebhat Nega, the TPLF junta officials’ chief leader, Woldegiorgis Desta, Previous Head of the Provincial Road Transport Bureau, Abadi Zemu, and Previous Ethiopian Ambassador to Sudan, Tewodros Hagos, Previous President of Meles Leadership Academy, and whatnot.

Ethiopians are very sure that the Ethiopian National Defense Forces would capture the remaining TPLF junta officials from every inch of the region and make the people of Ethiopia happy within a very short time. Ethiopians cannot fail to recall the pain in all their born days.

The Ethiopian herald January 13/2021

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