The critiques of the Green Legacy Campaign, the timing of terrorist TPLF wicked conspiracies on Ethiopia

For apes that fail to grab them, grapes are sour. For those who used to benefit from the status quo ante before four years, the reform programs underway in the country is a real threat and are therefore out to vehemently oppose it.

Over the last four years, criticizing every achievements registered by the people and government of Ethiopia has become a fashionable trend in international and some local media companies. Critique on the other hand is positive and objective specially in promoting creative arts.

However, the political critiques in this country policies on every achievement that the country has registered. They fail to differentiate beans from apple butter and view the green legacy of the country as something undesirable even after 4 years of the campaign.

The current political campaign on Ethiopia’s greening campaign is part of the international conspiracy skillfully orchestrated by those who suffer from the phobia of the national reform program. It is to be noted that terrorist TPLF has already prepared a package of discrediting and defamation propaganda on everything Ethiopian ranging from the defamation of the leaders of this country to propagandizing on the reform programs of the country.

The opponents of the development programs of the country deliberately provoke ethic and religious based massacres to falsely blame the government for ethnic cleansing and war on the faithful of the followers of specific religion. This has been staged in Gondar, Western Wollega, Silte Zone and other areas of the country including Eastern Hareregie Zone. Falsified and venomous politicking has become a sub-culture for terrorist TPLF which has created an earthly purgatory in Tigray.

OLF- Shene massacred hundreds of innocent citizens in Wollega to tarnish the image of the country in timings that coincided with government briefing on the 13th regular session of the HPR and the startup on the 4th Green Legacy Campaign to hammer a wage of public mistrust on the capacity of the government to ascertain law and order in the country. Although there is no practical link between the green legacy campaign and massive wheat production in the country, social media gladiators and quack politicians intoxicated with extreme hatred are busy helping the enemies of the country in their orchestrated campaign to balkanize the country and its people into scattered villages rule by war craving hooligans.

Some think that the current crisis in Wollega is an isolated incident by disgruntled and fanatic extremists whose grey matter is externally stowed in their guns. Such type of blame shifting has been used by Adolf Hitler in staging the holocaust on the Jews branding them as enemies of the Aryan Race. Terrorist TPLF has inherited this style of war mongering on its own people, Ethiopians.

The timing of these conspiracies is linked to the 3rd round of war that terrorist TPLF is organizing against the people and government of Ethiopia. Shene which is a partner with terrorist TPLF took a pair of responsibilities to trigger a religious war and also provoke a localized war between the Amhara and Oromo people in exact consonance with its 5 points strategy it prepared a month back as part of the conspiracy to help it win the war. The campaign against the Green Legacy initiative, the beatification of Addis Ababa and the promotion of huge human focused construction programs in the city on Social media is being fanned to push a wedge of mistrust between the people of Ethiopia in an attempt to cut short the support that the citizens are giving for the maintenance of the unity and territorial integrity of the country and their specific support for the 3rd round of filling GERD and its final completion.

As reported by the Government Communication Office. The terrorist organization has now totally blocked airlifting food and medicaments to Tigray for no reason. Yet, it is attempting to blame the government with no evidence and on actions for which it could not be accountable. As usual, Shene lost no time to shift the blame while video clippings clearly show that it staged the massacre. This shows hoe terrorist TPLF and its international supporters are vilifying all possible efforts by the government to ensure unfettered flow of food into Tigray.

It is now clear that the UN systems and the so called western democracies have remained neutral and unaffected when the terrorist TPLF-Shene alliance massacres innocent citizens even if they were taking refuge in churches and mosques. The UN insists on further free flow of food into Tigray while it is silent when a section of mankind is facing daylight extermination.

Even if terrorist TPLF claims that it would start its third round of rampage of war, it is in fact interested in elongating the conflict so that it would continue to receive food donations and other accessories to feed its own army.

Again, the existence of a double standard is quite obvious. When the Ethiopian sovereign government takes law enforcement measures in Amhara and Tigray regions, the western media laments about state sponsored atrocities but when what they jointly named TDF-Shene alliance massacres innocent citizens it is reported as a response to the actions by the security forces, thus justifying a genocide on the people of Amhara, Oromo and other ethnic groups.

Local traitors and anti-peace forces are also busy inciting citizens for a civil war the consequences of which they can never predict. For more than four years, the people of Ethiopia have endures a lot of painful incidents which has affected and continued to affect thousands of households across the country.

In terms of timing the conspiracy against the third round filling of GERD, a new blend of conspiracy has been prepared in the form of multiple strategies to prevent the filling of the dam in a couple of weeks. The conspiracy and propaganda ploy that is currently escalating on GERD is already irrelevant and void. The only chance that remains for Egypt and Sudan is to sit back and thin k on how they can cooperate with Ethiopia to share the benefits of a completed flagship project that is being constructed for Ethiopia and Africa. The political arrogance and the Machiavellian strategy that both countries follow these days will backfire on them as they are bust trying to fan on an artificial animosity between the people of Ethiopia and fellow African brothers and sisters in both Egypt and Sudan.

Moreover, in Ethiopia, the farming season has already set in and terrorist TPLF and its associates are busy attempting to sabotage farming activities in Tigray, Amhara, Afar and Oromia. The terrorist organization chose this season speculating on the advantages it can get from bad weather conditions in waging the war and to use the situation for an economic war geared towards staging the ground for famine in the regions.

As another strategy of waging economic war on the people of Ethiopia, terrorist TPLF is now fully engaged in systematic contraband trade with all kinds of commodities including fuel, illegal money transfer and trade in drugs and a number of electronic devises.

Back on social media, ethnocentric propaganda and agitation is already taking shape to assist terrorist TPLF for its planned war on Ethiopia. This terrorist organization has already forfeited peace and has started a campaign of calculated mockery on peace and possible negotiations. It is interesting to note here that while the western countries have repeatedly called for peace and negotiations on the war in the northern part of this country, they have totally failed to convenience terrorist TPLF to come to round table negotiations.

The government of Ethiopia has made it clear that peace talks is the only viable solution to the stalemate in the country but this stand is not being supported by many in the country and in the diaspora. War according to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed snatches away lives but is also expensive and unreasonable.

Any war requires genuine cause to fight for and an economic base that can buttress it. Terrorist TPLF is engaged in a brand new war tactic of using food aid to feed its terrorist army in untold violations of the natural rights of the people of Tigray to have access to food. It must be clear that over the current year, terrorist TPLF was unable to win any war in all the fronts that it has provoked aggression. The group is losing thousands of the fighters of its rag tag army and the demographic and gender balance that existed in the region during the pre-war period is now seriously disrupted.

Here, the author intends to forward a number of suggestions that if implemented could be useful to fight back the savage war of the terrorist organization. In the first place, the local media outlets need to double their efforts in efficiently disclosing the objective reality on the ground both to international and local audience in a proactive manner. It is now visible that social media outlets including YouTube transmissions are engaged in misinformation and character assassination of leaders and dangerous agitations that the mainstream media houses are having difficulties to cope with.

Strengthening the security structures of the country right down to the village level is necessary for sharing information in a swift manner. On the other hand, the resistance and final defeat of the terrorist forces and their allies needs to include every able citizen that needs to take part in ascertaining local peace and security. I think establishing citizens security networks that can convey information to all law enforcement and security networks can pay off both in the long and short run.

 Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald


The Ethiopian Herald  28 June 2022

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