Egypt: A false column against Sudan


There is a term in the engineering field which is called a false column. As I understand from civil engineers, the false column doesn’t totally support the weight of the house. But it is mostly used for decorative purposes.

One of Egypt’s decorative purposes is granting scholarships for Nile Basin countries including Sudan and Ethiopia as if it cared for mutual cooperation. But the country is arming opposition parties of the two countries and the whole of East Africa to destabilize the region. The purpose of the scholarships is not to build capacity. But its purpose is to increase Egypt’s friends and protect its interest at any cost using friendship as a cover.

Based on the evidence I touched upon, Egyptian’s friendship with Sudan is like that of a false column. Egypt is apparently more a friend to Sudan than to Ethiopia.

But Land of The Pharos has taken Halaib Triangle from Sudan forcefully and pushes Sudan to take Ethiopian land in the same way. What is the use of this? Nothing except that it is a strategy to destabilizing Sudan and Ethiopia as well as the region only to benefit the fox in the skirmish of the two cats over a piece of flesh. Egypt indeed is playing the role of the sly fox.

Turning the pages of history of the two brotherly countries, it is crystal clear that it is Egypt who had gone to war against Ethiopia. But it has never won a war against Ethiopia. And Ethiopia has never gone to war against Egypt except for the sake of defending herself.

 Therefore, it seems Egypt is trying to grind sand through the teeth of Sudan to weaken Ethiopia. That is why reports are often heard Egypt is behind the recent border “conflict” between Ethiopia and Sudan. But the land of the Pharos has to understand that Ethio-Sudan`s relations are based on cordial benefits and they don’t want the sly fox.

When the False Column advises Sudan that it has the right to protect its security and territorial integrity shading crocodile tears; does that include Halaib Triangle and other territories of Sudan taken forcefully by Egypt?

In addition to that who had allied with British colonizers to colonize Sudan? Is it Ethiopia or Egypt? It is Egypt. Remember Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.

 This historical fact also shows that Egypt is becoming a false column to Sudan. But it is making the column seem real column by joint military exercise only to threaten Ethiopia.

When asked whether this is a threat to Ethiopia, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ambassador Dina Mufti said “They have the right to exercise and it is common” in euphemistic expression.

Through he didn’t say anything about it, Ethiopia knows how to defend herself despite the military exercises under her nose and leasing military bases under her neck. But it gives priorities for friendship and partnership than hostilities orchestrated by the false column or any other party.

The writer can be reached at

The Ethiopian Herald January 2/2021

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