New Year Message of H.E. Yaprak Alp,

Ambassador of Turkey to Ethiopia

 Turkey and Ethiopia have deep-rooted relations based on common history, traditions and cultures. I’m honoured to be the Turkish Ambassador in this wonderful country.

The first exchanges between our countries can be dated back to the 16th Century. After opening a Consular Office in Harar in 1912, we also opened our first sub-Saharan Embassy in Addis Ababa in 1926.

Ever since the opening of our Embassy, the relations between our two countries have been steadily strengthening. Turkey has always been Ethiopia’s friend and partner. We will continue to be so.

Turkey and Ethiopia are both very similar when it comes to international matters as well. They are both regional powers. Where Turkey is the bridge between Europe and Asia, Ethiopia is the cornerstone of the Horn of Africa.

Both our countries act with the knowledge that our decisions will have a direct impact on our whole region. We also have flourishing economic relations. Turkey is the second largest investor in Ethiopia and one of its big­gest trade partners.

However, our relations are not purely represented by trade or a common history. We are working towards improving our cultural relations and con­tinuing to be strong partners on the international arena.

2020 has undeniably been a difficult year. We have all been directly impacted by the pandemic and have lost loved ones. However, these though times have also brought us closer to our truest allies.

I wish the best for all my Ethiopian friends in the new year and hope that a brighter 2021 awaits us all.

The Ethiopian herald January 1/2021

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