Kazakhstan is a reliable partner of Ethiopia in Central Asia


On the day of the New Year celebrations, the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan cordially congratulates the people of Ethiopia and wishes to brotherly nation durable peace, prosperity and further social and economic development.

We have great respect for the people of Ethiopia – the keeper of a rich and ancient culture.

Ethiopians are a very strong and kind people who managed not only to defend their independence, but also resilient to the difficulties that arise in life. We are optimistic about their future and would like to wish them further success in achieving their goals.

We are witnessing radical reforms underway in Ethiopia that are aimed at full-scale transformation of the country’s economy in order to improve the standard of living of citizens, as well as strengthening national unity and regional integration both in the Horn of Africa and in continent. Kazakhstan welcomes these transformations.

Kazakhstan and Ethiopia closely and fruitfully cooperated in the United Nations Security Council during 2017-2018. Similar positions of two countries on many issues of the international agenda and common challenges, such as issues of landlocked countries, combating drought and climate change, fight with terrorism and organized crime, drug trafficking etc. stipulate joint actions in these spheres.

Kazakhstan is interested in strengthening cooperation with Ethiopia especially in trade and economy.

To promote cooperation in this field the Embassy organized a number of events, including seminars and webinar “On the state and prospects of trade, economic and investment cooperation between Kazakhstan and Ethiopia” with the participation of high officials and representatives of business circles of the two countries.

We had fruitful visit to Bahr Dar city, Amhara National Regional State. Within the framework of the visit seminar about Kazakhstan and the possibilities of trade and investment, science and education, cultural cooperation as well as in the fields of tourism and sports was held.

Meetings with the Minister of Trade and Industry Mr. Melaku Alebel and the General Director of the Corporation for the Development of Industrial Parks Mr. Sandokan Debebe and visits to industrial parks provided good opportunities for exploring new opportunities for economic cooperation.

Kazakhstan is the biggest land locked country and now the current Chair of the UN Group of Landlocked Developing Countries. Our Embassy jointly with Ethiopian MoFA, Center for Dialogue, Research and Cooperation (CDRC) is planning to organize next year seminar on issues of trade facilitation for a such group of countries in Africa.

Kazakhstan seeks to actively develop international cooperation in the field of education, having for this a broad legal base and participating in many international and regional agreements. Kazakh universities are open to students from Ethiopia and can meet all the requirements of modern high quality education.

Cultural diplomacy is an important instrument in promoting bilateral relations and the Embassy organized a number of events to present to Ethiopian society our history, culture, traditions. Kazakhstan this year celebrates 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet and educator Abay and 1150 anniversary of the brilliant scientist, philosopher of the East Al-Farabi.

The Embassy held a seminar dedicated to these anniversaries with the topic “Cultural heritage of the Great Steppe” which was attended by representatives of the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry, the Institute for Security Studies, students of Addis Ababa University, and the media. Kazakh cultural center named after A. Kunanbayev has been operating since February this year and is located at the Embassy’s premises.

It presents pieces of national art, books about Kazakhstan and we invite our friends to visit the center. This year we organized several photo exhibitions about Kazakhstan and a screening of the feature films “Kazakh Khanate – Diamond Sword” and “MynBala -Warriors of the Steppe”.

On 16 December 2020, Kazakhstan celebrated its Independence Day. In 29 years of Independence, Kazakhstan has achieved tangible results in socio-economic development and become an example of stable growth and stability.

Thanks to political will and vision of the First President –Leader of the Nation Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev Kazakhstan could successfully avoid internal strife in multiethnic and poly-confessional society, establish friendly external relations and create favorable conditions for economic development. Kazakhstan now is a dynamically developing country, committed global partner in advancing international peace and security.

A special place in the policy of the First President of Kazakhstan was occupied by the issue of interethnic relations. Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic country where representatives of 130 ethnic groups live.

The President was able to turn the multinational factor into the true heritage of the republic. Thanks to the wise, balanced and flexible policy of the Leader of the nation, our republic has overcome the difficulties of the transitional period and managed to avoid conflicts on ethnic grounds.

The President of the country created a unique institution – the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, an advisory body under the Head of State, the main purpose of which is to ensure equality of rights and freedoms of citizens, regardless of their nationality, language, religion, social groups.

Yet another significant contribution to peace is the initiative of N. Nazarbayev to convene the Congresses of Leaders of World and Traditional religions, which are held in Kazakhstan on the triennial bases.

In January 2021, elections to the Lower Chamber of the Parliament and local representative bodies of Kazakhstan will be held. The elections will take place in the new conditions of reforming the country’s political system, which is aimed at creating a multi-party system and political competition, increasing the level of public involvement in political processes.

In his first State of the Nation Address in September 2019 President K. Tokayev put an emphasis on accelerating political reforms and improving human rights and the quality of life. He set out the ambition of a truly modern state which is both accountable and responsive to the needs of its citizens.

In 2020 President K.Tokayev signed a number of laws which are of particular importance for the country’s political life and will serve to further develop Kazakhstan’s multi-party system. These laws provide reducing the threshold for registering political parties from 40,000 to 20,000 members, and introducing a 30 percent quota for women and youth in the Parliament and local executive bodies, procedure for organizing and conducting peaceful assemblies in Kazakhstan.

This latest political effort was taken to facilitate the process of creation and registration of new political parties and to lower registration hurdles for their creation, organizing peaceful meetings.

Expanding relations with Africa is important direction of foreign policy of Kazakhstan. My country became an observer-state in the African Union in November 2013.

Opening of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Addis Ababa – the political capital of Africa and location of African Union Headquarters – in December 2014 was a momentous event and a clear message about country’s interest both for comprehensive cooperation with the AU and enhancing bilateral cooperation with African countries.

We enjoy excellent relations with all African countries and appreciate their growing role in the world politics and economy. Similarity, of national positions determines our common stance within the United Nations on many important issues of international agenda. The African Free Trade Agreement opens new horizons for increasing our trade – economic and investment cooperation.

In the fight against the pandemic and in the current world crisis situation South-South cooperation as well as active promotion of the interests of landlocked countries is of particular importance.

Kazakhstan as the Chairman of the Group of Landlocked Countries will promote the interests of this group on international platforms. The Islamic Organization for Food Security which was initiated by Kazakhstan has a huge potential for ensuring food security in the developing world, including African countries.

Kazakhstan has moved from being a recipient of aid to being a provider of humanitarian assistance. Kazakhstan practically contributes to humanitarian efforts around the world, including in Africa.

We are now establishing our own development agency – KazAID – which will focus on both financial assistance and knowledge transfer. Kazakhstan deployed in the past military observers to three UN peacekeeping missions in Africa based in Western Sahara, Cote d’Ivoire, and Liberia. These are just some examples of the very real efforts and contributions we are making to development, peace and security around the world.

The Ethiopian herald January 1/2021

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