GSE sets plan to identify 30 mineral potentials

ADDIS ABABA – Geological Survey of Ethiopia (GSE) sets plan to identify 30 new mineral potentials in the current budget year.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, GSE Public Relations Director Tamiru Mersha said that GSE will undertake mineral potential areas identification on 30 selected areas in the country.

The identification and development of nation’s mineral potentials will play a significant role in producing substantial minerals outputs for industries, he added.

As to him, the country has untapped mineral resources but the sector is not developed at the required level.

Thus, prioritizing potential areas development, ensuring reliable information to investors and utilizing latest technologies are fundamental to expedite nation’s industrialization endeavors, he said.

Tigray State and Benishangul Gumuz are potential areas for gold mining and extraction while the Ethiopian rift valley, specifically, Afar is potential area for geothermal energy, he noted.

“Gold, identifications of industrial and construction input minerals are priorities of Geological Survey of Ethiopia”.

Further to this, geothermal energy is the other major potential of the Ethiopian rift valley areas in which GSE is undertaking site identification for further processes, he indicated.

Information from GSE indicates that the country has a potential of more than 10,000 MW geothermal energy generating capacity.

Reforming and supporting the sector with latest technologies is important to tap the sector’s potential, he emphasized.

Accordingly, the country has abundant construction inputs minerals like iron, gypsum, and stone among others that will add a greater value to expedite the construction sector and save foreign exchange.

Last budget year, GSE identified 24 mineral potential areas.

The Ethiopian Herald February 20/2019



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