International community has to turn a deaf ear to TPLF’s rampage of lies


It seems that the international community is having it hard to swallow the gillitering truth about the current situation in Ethiopia. A consortuim of well placed groups and personalties in the pay of TPLF are busy trying to fabricate slanderious lies and fabricated video clippings to decieve a number of international community and global organizations as a process of concealing their barbaric atrocities againest the peoples of Ethiopia over the last three decades.

In real time, on November 4,2020 at 10 P,M in the evening, TPLF’s so called Special Forces attacked the Northern Army Command through their traitors in the army masacring a considerable number of servicemen who were protecting and serving the peoples of Tigray. There is no falsehood but the truth confirmed by a TPLF offcial.

A couple of days later the same vandalisti forces conducted a massacre on more than 700 ethically selected innocent daily laborers in Mai Kadra, Humera and the surrounding localties. This was fully confirmed byAmnesty International and later by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commssion.

TPLF armed groups destroyed Axum Airport for all to see. They also destroyed roads, bridges, schools and other public amities like heath centers and local government offices, looting and destroying public property.

Many have been misguided by the falsehood fabiractions of the plundering junta. Even the most reputed international organizations like the UN, EU questioned the integrity of the Ethiopian Government and tend to base their actions on TPLF’s make belief propoganda while two senators in the US legislature are busy preparing documents to legistlate sanction on the peoples of Ethiopia totally defying a century of relations between the two countries and in total disregard to Ethiopia’s contributuion to global peacekeeping and the struggle againest global terrorisim. Howoever, at the end of the day they have understood the reality on the goround and chnaged their mind.

Ethiopia certainly does not deserve any level of diplomatic presssure and sanctionns simply because the country has been engaging in keeping the rule of law within itself. What would the UN, EU and the USA have done if this has happened some where in Europe?

Aruther Schopenhauer once said “All truth passes through three stages, firsy it is rediculed, second it is violently opposed, third it is accepted as being self evident.” Why is the international community not ready to believe what the Ethiopian government is offcially documenting while they are ready to believe the falsehood from TPLF and anti- Ethiopia groups based in the diaphora?

Ethiopia has provided briefing on all the incidents that were marshalled by TPLF over the current month to the most responsible partner countries and organizations including the UN systems who are still accusing Ethiopia for violation of children’s and womens rights and provision of relief supply passages to the needy people in Tigray.

Galileo Galilei once said “All truth are easy to understand once they are discovered, the point is to discover them.” Why are some of the most reputed nations and global organizations fail to discover the truth but resort to base their analysis and postions on unfounded allegations ?

This reminds me of what encountred the late Emperor Haile Selassie appealed to seek justice at the League of Nations on Facisist agression on Ethiopia. He was alone and mocked at. I hope justice and sober understanding of the reality on the ground would prevail soon.

While many countries in Europe and the US included contemplated that acertaining the rule of law in Tigray would take months and years, the whole senarion was completed in three weeks and the situation in Tigray is geing to normalcy each day through goverrnment efforts on relief, rehabilitation and restoring governance and public services at the regional and local levels.

Power gird destroyed by TPLF is being rehabilitated and Mekele and the surrounging towns have electric power now, water supply and banking services are on, regional government offices are now open. Of course more rehabilitation work is ahead. What else could have the government done? Is the government expected to sit and talk while TPLF has fled to the Enderta mountains destroying what the region and the country have earned over the last 30 years?

Now the Ethiopian people and parties are preparing for the 6th national election which also includes Tigray. This election is expected to be the most democratic, fair, transparent and acceptable election ever to take place in the country.

Ethiopians are now united more than ever. All speculations and wishful forcasts are thrashed. I would like to conclude my opion with what Queen Elizabeth II once said. “When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future.”

When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future

The Ethiopian herald December 22/2020

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