Government discharges responsibility for citizen’s safety


It should be well underlined that the rule of law operations in Tigray, was started in response to the criminal clique’s belligerent attacks on the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces. Yes, the law enforcement operation led to the displacement of fellow citizens to flee to Sudan.

At this juncture some paid writers and lobbyists with less integrity are keeping on to discredit the efforts of the people of Ethiopia and government to restore power, telecom and transport services across the Northern part of Ethiopia to save the junta and trying to harm noble humanitarian activities government that remain lost because they are running after ill intention to attack the sovereignty of Ethiopia and the international communities are recognizing the reality on the ground.

We are witnessing some international media houses are working recklessly and deliberately to cover the humanitarian activities in the Tigray framing to benefit the criminals and undermine the law enforcement operation.

We know the government is working with pertinent stakeholders to address the humanitarian crisis. The Federal government formed a high-level committee to oversee humanitarian assistance in the region, led by the Ministry of Peace.

This committee has been set up to coordinate all efforts in the mobilization and delivery of humanitarian assistance to vulnerable communities directly affected by measures to bring the belligerent clique to justice.

 Following field technical assessments by the committee, initial dispatch of food and non-food items were made to areas within the Tigray region that were under Federal command. In the areas where the criminal clique’s militias were still active, considering the security threats that were prevalent at the time, delivery was delayed to ensure that humanitarian assistance reached the intended recipients.

However, this situation has changed since Mekelle came under Federal command, concluding the active military intervention to apprehend the criminal clique.

As we learnt from Ministry of Foreign Affairs in mid-November 2020, an initial round of humanitarian relief items, including medical items, were sent to Dansha, Welkait, Kafta/Humera and Debarq areas, because the government has responsibilities to ensure the safety and wellbeing.

Recently some 44 trucks carrying 18,200 quintals of food aid dispatched by the Federal Government have reached the town of Shire for distribution to other parts of the region. The dispatch also includes 4 trucks carrying 5,500 quintals of food to Alamata.

Similarly, 30 trucks carrying 12,500 quintals of food supplies have reached Mekelle, with an additional 7000 quintals of wheat flour dispatched to Mekelle. Three (3) trucks of medical supplies have almost reached the city of Mekelle and will be distributed by tomorrow. Seven (7) trucks of medical supplies to Shire and Adigrat towns have also been dispatched.

Therefore, the situation is expected to significantly improve in the coming two weeks with the stabilization of the peace and security situation, the confidence building measures being undertaken,

 the restoration of damaged infrastructure, the resumption of basic services and the revival of the local economy, the delivery of food and non-food items, including medical equipment and supplies to most of the region.

It is to be recalled that on November 29, 2020, the Federal Government signed an agreement with the United Nations that outlines collaboration for the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

The Agreement for an Enhanced Coordination Mechanism for Humanitarian Access in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region, sets out the coordination mechanism’s specific objectives and scope, its guiding principles, central commitments and coordination arrangements and its major stakeholders and their respective roles, responsibilities and accountabilities.

The agreement signed with the United Nations recognizes that the Government of Ethiopia at federal and regional levels has “primary responsibility for meeting assessed and potential humanitarian needs in the country” and that the delivery of assistance lies within a coordination framework under the Federal government’s overall authority.

It also recognizes that “given the likelihood that the UN and other humanitarian organizations will be delivering assistance in an insecure environment, the Government of Ethiopia will be responsible for ensuring the safety and security of staff of UN agencies and humanitarian partners.”

Suggestions that humanitarian assistance is impeded due to active military combat, in several cities and surrounding areas within the Tigray region, is untrue and undermines the critical work

 undertaken by the National Defense Forces to stabilize the region from the attacks waged by the belligerent clique. Sporadic gunfire exchanged with the retreating remnants of the militia and efforts to apprehend the criminal clique on the flee, need not be misconstrued as active conflict.

However, as the Federal government is responsible for ensuring that humanitarian support and actors are protected while operating in an insecure environment, access will be coordinated in consultation with the Federal government as stipulated in the agreement.

It should be noted that Ethiopia has had longstanding experience in facilitating humanitarian assistance. It is a country, which went through so many challenges and emergencies in the past.

Therefore, the access issue is not new, and Ethiopia is in fact in a better position to share its best practices in this regard. It is in this relation that agreement was signed with the UN to facilitate humanitarian access that will enable partners to assist affected populations effectively and impartially.

The government is acting with responsibilities to ensure the safety and wellbeing to deal with vulnerable communities in Tigray region providing the necessary humanitarian assistance. Reports to the contrary are results of a misinformation campaign by those that are bent on undermining the Federal government.

The Ethiopian herald December 19/2020

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