There is time for everything

There is time for everything

Time to hibernate and time to stay awake

Time to die and time to resurrect

Time to fall asleep and time to wake up

Time to stay in the dark and time to shed light and see what’s around

There is time for everything

Time to endorse the wrong agenda and time to filter out the dividing

Time to give a room to the bandit unknowingly and time to expose the viral family

Time to fall into the same trap over and over again and time to understand the game

 There is time for everything

Time to follow and time to take a lead

Time to suffer and time to prosper

There is time for everything

Time to be content with the status quo and time to envision change that constantly grow

We’re sick and tired of losing hundreds for drought that visits us every decade

Sick and tired of hearing the word famine being equated to our nation

Sick and tired of experiencing power break every now and then

Sick and tired of becoming an agent of a foreign mission to dismantle our own nation

 Sick and tired of killing a brother and being killed to extend the history of civil war for another season

Sick and tired of sick and tired

Sick and tired of moaning and groaning over what’s done on us over the years

Sick and tired of turning back to each other and waste golden time for no reason

Sick and tired of watching some taking pleasure in our pain

Tired of the nightmare and deep sleep – we’ve woken up

Who can stop us from working hard and turning the situations around?

There is time for everything and right season

 Ideal time to take action

Every sown seed to grow and blossom

This is the time to rise and shine

Time to uncover the veil that hid a groundbreaking potential

Now is the time to move forward leaving everything that kept us behind

Time to break the shell and stretch to a new level

Now is the time to heal the pain within and reach out to the victim

Time to break the dividing walls into pieces and open our eyes to use our God given resources Time to rise up, carve our future and do whatever it takes to determine our future

The Ethiopian Herald   July 25/2020

El winner Merid

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