GERD is More than a Dam – More than a Project

It is More than a Dam – More than a Project

A master key to unlock trapped national potential

An ignition code to light up millions in the dark

A broad spectrum tablet that would bring a healing to the sickness that left us on our death bed

A wake up call to the nation overwhelmed by over 70% young population.

It is More than a Dam – More than a Project

It is an issue of national sovereignty

A hammer to break the chains of deficiency, and a handle to shake off the ashes of poverty

A chisel to dig out hidden treasures It is a symbol of national rebirth

 A sign of freedom from the dark legacy of the colonial period

It is a matter of life and death

It is More than a Dam – More than a Project

It is an ‘Apple of the eye’ – that we care more than anything at hand

A window of hope to see a glimpse of tomorrow

A shift button that redirects the path of division and sorrow

 A gate to a new dawn, a new season – a new era

It is More than a Dam – More than a Project

It is a springboard to jump out of a quagmire

A seal to close the old and open up a new chapter

An Eye opener, a growth accelerator and an Ice breaker

This nation has never and ever seen

The Ethiopian Herald   July 25/2020

El winner Merid

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