Comprehensive grandiloquent move against COVID-19

The world over has been talking about a range of pandemics and contagious diseases since time immemorial. The case of HIV/AIDS, Ebola and other epidemics is a recent phenomenon. However, the talk of the day-COVID-19 is an exceptional one. Commencing its ride from China, Huwan City, the pandemic has been pretty rife throughout the world. It’s a global virulent disease from which no one can escape; no country can effectively rescue their citizens. It has been increasingly grabbing the attention of world leaders, international organizations and the media as well.

Everyone is left with no time to talk and point their fingers towards others since the disease is indiscriminately ingesting the human race across the universe. There are a number of concerned bodies which are wholeheartedly exerting utmost effort to see COVID-19 free generation. Here, the case of European Union (EU) can be cited as an excellent move along this line. It is rolling the COVID-19 combating wheel well targeting at consolidating the capacity of Africa to tackle the pandemic. Yes, the effort of the EU to assist Ethiopia to increase the number of diagnostic laboratories, test kits and treatment centers is an optimistic push that needs to receive an enthusiastic gratitude.

The following are some common national and international combatants that deserve appreciation.

Religious institutions

As the majority of the population of the world is faithful, the role religious organizations play is paramount importance in inculcating the required prevention aspects of the pandemic in the minds of the society hand in hand with the religious set of guidelines and dogmas. Religious organizations are raising public awareness about the epidemic even via limiting the number of priests and deacons as well as sheiks to do the prayer in churches and mosques. In so doing, a number of religious institutions or organizations have been registering remarkable changes as a national effort geared towards combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only are religious institutions dealing with problems of citizens within their reach—but their support and care has expanded to reach out to the unreached.

Media outlets

The media outlets throughout the world are working from dawn to dusk to well aware, inform, and educate audience, the general public, with their respective languages to discharge their responsibilities in the fight against the pandemic. As the pandemic has become the language of the world and talk of the day, no part of the globe keeps quite. What matters here is the media have to be seriously responsible in due course of conveying messages. No doubt, media is a powerful weapon in playing a constructive role. If they are responsibly acting, they will play this role and stand for the national as well as intercontinental agenda—eradicating COVID-19. Basically, no media are standing on the contrasting side of the day’s mission except those whose Chief is devil itself and their editorial policy is full of ill-equipped mission. All media outlets, organizations and operators are cordially called upon to bravely campaign to help the world succinctly root out the epidemic and get CORONA-free generation in the years to come.

The general public

Governments of almost all countries of the world are highly concerned with their citizens and recurrently pass relevant declaration to aware the latter. They are even declaring State of Emergency with a view to helping the people to highly mitigate the spread of the epidemic. The journey the Ethiopian government has stepped in this regard is a case in point. It promulgated proclamation No. 3/2020 to counter and control the spread of corona virus and alleviate its ugly repercussion. It highly prohibits gatherings for various purposes. Thanks to civility and public awareness, citizens have started complying with the orders of the government, the Ministry of Health and that of professionals and other concerned bodies. As the best way to do so, they are staying at home, regularly washing hands for 20 seconds, keeping social distancing, and covering up with gloves or masks as well as abstaining oneself from taking part in congested public gatherings. Most of the people, in Ethiopia of course, are practically applying what they are told to do so.

However, there are exceptions in this regard. The deeds what some irresponsible individuals are performing in rudimentary and improvised dwellings as well as at tattered and hidden corridors needs to be well eyed and these desperate compatriots have to be made take the right track. The wild individuals, perhaps groups, should receive a proportional measure for the sake of the innocent majority. In the time of dark days, we have to be in a position to help one another instead of amassing undeserved profit and unlawful enrichment at the expense of poor fellow citizens.

Transportation services

Without a shadow of doubt, transportation is a very cardinal sector exceedingly susceptible to the expansion of contagious disorders such as the one under discussion. In local context, the Ministry of Transport and its partners are doing their level best to minify the spread of the disease via minimizing the loading capacity of taxies, city buses, public service ones and ‘higer’ transportation means. This sector highly advocates distance sitting and sanitizer usage at each and every station and destination. Even at the larger scale, thanks to the government, the prime transportation means-the Ethiopian Airline has banned flying from and to a number of countries except selected cargo services. This vividly portrays the wholehearted commitment and determination of the incumbent to liberate citizens from the unprecedentedly happen plague. Such a positive stride has to be well consolidated up until the earthshaking pandemic vanishes.

TOGETHER we can absolutely make A DIFFERENCE.

Long Live Ethiopia and Its People!

 The Ethiopian Herald July 22, 2020


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