Artists stand for collaboration, shared benefits from the River Abay (NILE)

The River Nile was the first Diaspora who leaves its country; and now, it returns back to its origin with its soil accompanying bright future for our growth and development. Of course, the people were admiring the beauty of the Nile River for centuries without any advantages; currently the people are inspired and work hard to get better use from the river.

On Wednesday, many Ethiopian Artists consist of actors, painters, musicians, authors, promotion experts and journalists held a half day discussion at Hager Fiker Theatre on the issue of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), particularly in promoting the potential advantages of River Abay (Nile) and other water resources in Ethiopia.

First, one of the prominent Nile Basin Negotiators, Yacob Arsano (Ph.D) presented an introductory analysis over a wide ranging aspects of the GERD; particularly in the potential advantages of water resources in Ethiopia for national and regional economic development, the filling and operating strategies for the reservoir, the potential consequences of the GERD for downstream countries such as Sudan and Egypt, and the opportunities and risks for future basin-wide cooperation and economic development.

During the previous negotiations, the right of Ethiopia to develop its water resources for the well-being of its citizens was a point of Ethiopia’s firm stance, Yacob also explained.

Artists are also inspired because of the construction progress, and excited to hear the beginning of the dam filling at this critical time. They also promised to produce more aesthetic works about the River Abay and other water resources. All the gathering Artists forwarded their stance to sustain their support for GERD, and has put their signatures to show their keen support to the government of Ethiopia.

Briefing the congregation, Yacob said that the construction of the dam is on the right track to make its dream come true: attaining the country’s economic development, and achieving the well-being of the people to eradicate poverty.

According to him, the initial filling of 4.9 billion meter cube water on the GERD has successfully started. This reflects that the dam is not a statue; it will further be a means to accelerate growth and development of Ethiopia, in which Sudan, Egypt and other countries can also benefit from the dam by way of buying electric power based on the international power market tariff. This will build genuine hope for Ethiopia while it may be considered as a threat among its opponents.

Next year, a total of 18.3 billion meter cube water will be also be filled. The trend will continue in the coming seven years till the total filling level reached its end. Upon the completion of the filling of dam, 6000 megawatts will be generated in addition to the current available electric power of 4000 megawatts; which the country will totally generate 10,000 megawatts after all the turbines fully start function.

Yacob also highlighted that this power capacity will help us to distribute power towards the development of the country’s economy such as for irrigation, industry, household use, road infrastructure, and train transport, among others.

As to him, the issue of Abay River should never be neglected; it is rather source of hope and inspiration for the development of other rivers. Since now is the time that Ethiopia should overcome challenges, Artists, citizens and all segments of the society should support the development of the country’s water resources as it is hope for our children as well as for continued existence of the country, Yacob stressed. Ethiopia should never be left whispered as tower of water, more works are required to realize its advantage.

Quoting Prime Minister Abiy’s statement to the parliament, since the construction has been reached above 560 meter sea level, there is no option other than filling it in schedule. This seems a technical matter, but it has also a political decision, he revealed.

Assistant Prof. Mulugeta Jewarie said for his part that it is a must to praise experts and officials who were negotiating for Ethiopia in various forums, and for those who are still working day and night to make the construction meet its target. “When I heard the successful launching of the dam filling, I really feel impressed and overwhelmed by happiness and a smiling sentiment.”

Mulugeta also said that we Ethiopians have to drive a distant journey to give grounding facts to the generation, particularly in preserving our dominant cultures, developing our wisdom, preserving our unique resources. Because a more educated generation could take responsibility to protect its own culture, maintain the country’s resources, and respect wisdoms and history of past generations.

“To make this happen, no one is closer to the people than we – the artists who have the knowledge or methodology to reach in the minds of every citizen. We all have the responsibility to open the minds of this young generation in order to make them cautious and defender of their country and its belongings,” Mulugeta emphasized.

Likewise, Artist Aregehagn Worash exclaimed: “Today is the greatest time for me to hear the launching of dam filling which happens in this generation of my age.” “We all should stand together for national unity; at that point, the good tidings we need to pay for our country will then follow,” he says.

As to Aregahagn, unity has moved far from us these days; such ethnic identity caused all of us to fall apart and hinder not to work on shared wisdoms and resources. Yigerem Dejenie, the notable film actor, expressed his enthusiasm to hear the dam filling after quite a lot of intensive negotiations. “We all are now engaged in personal duties and responsibilities. If we could come together to develop shared wisdom and richness, we may deliver some significant contribution for the development and growth of our country.”

As to Yigerem, a single journey will never take us anywhere. Our day-to-day routines affected our lives to see each other outwardly. There may be different aspects of history that would affect our daily activities either in impressing due to the beginning of dam filling or being depressed by some immoral acts of demolishing own properties, he screams.

I had got the opportunity to visit Egypt. I was really impressed by the growth and prosperity they attained because of our River – Abay.”

“It may not be a surprise to see them angry at the construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam. Because, they have completely dependent on the River Nile to develop irrigation, manufacturing industry and any other infrastructures installed at the Capital City – Cairo,” he says.

Yigerem also observes that River Nile is considered as a culture, religion and blood of every children of Egypt. They all do not want to hear where the source of the river is. They want to believe in that the mainspring of the river and its destination to be in Cairo only. That is because of the teaching of artistic works entertained by Egyptian melodies and literatures.

“Therefore, we have to pay any sacrifice for the realization of Ethiopia’s growth and development. Dedicating our time for Abay is not now a choice; it is a matter of endurance; and any threat against it should never been tolerated,” he shouted astonishingly. In conclusion, the very prominent Ethiopian actor and writer, Hailu Tsegaye, made an encouraging statement about the project that creates an extraordinary capacity to blow up respect, love, and admiration among ourselves; this should be magnified by artistic works.

“We must pass away meaningfully by inherit better nation for the next generation through manifesting the proper artistic beauty built on institutional mentality rather than the individualized one,” he added.

In fact, the dam will create many sidebenefits: there will be tourist destination, eco-museum, and other huge investments around the dam. In addition, the dam will have tangible contribution for Sudan, Egypt, the continent, and the world as a whole. It has also intangible contribution such as developing the habit of working collaboratively.

It opens an opportunity for collaboration and share benefits through promoting the values and assets of the River Abay (NILE). Therefore, Artists need to reflect the past, the present and the future of the country’s resources through their artistic works to inspire and mobilize the public for their constant support.

Finally, all of the participants avowed that as the history of our country will be changed by this project, every Ethiopians living inside and abroad should sustain their constant support to GERD at all direction, and we should stand beside these powerful leaders to make our dream come true.

The Ethiopian herald July 18,2020


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