Revamping the response against COVID-19 virus through sustained development programs

The current comprehensive response against COVID-19 virus can hit targets only when it is integrated with the nation’s development programs. Under the condition in which we are not so sure for how long the virus can prevail in the country, it would be very important to adjust the national development program with the protracted responses to the spread of the virus.

In the context of the state of emergency, the government is already taking various economic, fiscal and financial measures to arrest the devastating effects of COVID-19 and these measures would help to galvanize the entire process of keeping the development programs of the country on track. Some may take COVID-19 as a specific national health issue but events and developments that have surfaced up over the last two months indicate that preventive measures taken by the government to block the spread of the virus have already affected every facet of the livelihood of the nation.

On the other hand, the multiple effects of the virus are compounded with the proliferation of horde of locust that has plagued a wider area of the country is becoming a formidable obstacle to the nation’s food security programs and the general development of the agriculture and related sectors. The virus also tends to free ride on the proliferation of HIIV and AIDS as well as other communicable and vector borne diseases.

Although the Ministry of Health is the principal goal owner of the response against the pandemic, all other sectors need to develop their own comprehensive programs to mainstream COVID-19 and other health related responses into their POAs. This would certainly imply introducing deep seated revision of the country’s development programs.

Why should this be a priority for the country? I assume that we may be forced to live with this virus for some years ahead. Under such circumstances it is very important to take virus proofing measures that take into account the long range sustainable development programs of the country.

The response against COVID-19 virus could bring about the desired results only when it is intrinsically coordinated at all levels. Lack of coordination between sectors and subsectors of the economy has always been one of those avoidable challenges that the country is still unable to avoid. Ethiopia possesses workable policies and strategies that can come to fruition if properly implemented but the vestiges of past shortfalls are still lingering in almost all sectors.

We still grapple with poor supply chain and logistics. The country is busy fighting off international and local financial crimes that eat deep into the nation’s coffers while trafficking in firearms is becoming a threat to peace and tranquility of the country.

Despite the apparently bleak but manageable situation of the country, there is indeed a window of hope for the future of the nation.

As the current pace setter of the economy, agriculture is still playing a major role in promoting the economic development of the country but mechanization and modernization of the sector is facing challenges of application on patches of household plots which are mostly below 0.5 hectares. The unabated spread of locust in the highly productive areas of the country urgently demands swift coordination to save crops on fields both during the little rains and the main farming season. Otherwise, all efforts to boost agricultural productivity could create a greater challenge for promoting food security and the general response to COVID-19 virus.

What solution could be suggested at this point? I think is very important to strengthen the link and coordination between marketable and diversified quality agricultural and industrial development with export promotion strategies right on the ground and not only on policy platforms.

Private sector involvement on programs started by the government on import substitution of important agricultural products like wheat production by irrigation is critically important. Investments in the sector may also be open to selected foreign investors who wish to join in.

Again, promoting import substitution by developing local technologies for the manufacturing, construction, health and service and sectors could be attempted by preparing a catalogue of local technologies that could readily substitute imported technologies. For instance, producing locally manufactured hospital equipment like accessories for OBs and operation and emergency treatments can be scaled up as a means of saving a substantial amount of foreign currency.

Experts in technology may make further researches on how the nation can use its bamboo resources for inputs in the construction sector while most of the materials used in hotels industries can be produced locally without compromising international quality standards while promoting the rich cultures of the peoples of Ethiopia.

Ethiopia has a huge amount of local resources that can be used for fast tracking the battle against COVID-19 pandemic and for the overall economic development of the country. It just takes taping them for the economic development of the country.

The Ethiopian Herald May 20/2020


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