The public discourse on Corona shows we are one human race!

Currently, there are many ongoing discourses that demonstrate consciousness awakening in human evolution, because of Corona. We are becoming conscious of our oneness as human species. There is a change taking place in the universe on the public discourse.

Paradoxically, contrary to our true nature, there are many instances that co-occur which are in violation with the evolution of humanity. Some people are growing to be intolerant of physical differences becoming racist; some buy the idea that resource is scarce and they have to grow greedier while the majority starve and live in severe poverty. Some are convinced that the world is unjust and try to establish justice and fairness in their own terms.

Now, Corona is helping us realize that we are one. It is high time that we understand that love, forgiveness and gratitude are the threads that tie the universe together. Because of Corona, we need to learn that we are one and inseparable. We have to let go the labels. We are not our body, our race, our language, our color, our attitude, our culture or anything physical. We are perfect, our universe is perfect and everything is perfect which is Utopia. Utopia is an ideal and perfect state. It is an ideal and perfect place or state where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best. Our world is Utopia and we all are Utopia at an individual and humanity level.

Love is the ultimate law of the universe. The universe remains intact through the harmony created by love. The universe is working in harmony with positive energy. We have to forgive and release negative energy. The details of life will sort itself out when we tune ourselves with positive energy. The intentions we set for any action should emanate from love.

Forgiveness is the key to live a harmonious life. It is important for us to forgive those who wronged us. However, when we forgive, the intention needs to be genuine as we cannot trick God or ourselves; but people. We have to fully and completely release the hatred and anger though it is painful. When we do that, we set ourselves free. Things are best served with integrity and love.

We are constantly evolving. We all are in this journey together. The entire human race is interconnected. The universe is one organism and the whole humanity is one organism. Human beings are infinitely limitless beings. Time and space limitations do not define our true nature. All of us are working together to evolve and grow as one

 organism called humanity.

We have the ability to heal ourselves if we are together. Health and joy are our natural state. We need to explore and raise our consciousness. We have the ability to change. We must truly unite to heal humanity from the diseases of all kinds not only Corona; but also from ethnocentrism, extremism, resentment and others.

We have to accept each other as one human race. Love empowers us; fear limits our progress. We have to forgive and release our past. We can heal ourselves only through love and forgiveness. And, we have to heal ourselves in order to heal others.

We need to come to a state of love, kindness, compassion and understanding which is our true nature. When we love each other genuinely, poverty will not be there because we share the resources fairly. When we love each other, war, conflict and resentment will not be there. Since all of us will take complete responsibility for everything, blame will not be there.

In this perfect universe, there is no coincidence, nothing random and nothing wrong. Everything exists at the right time and at the right place. Everything is happening in the perfect way it is supposed to happen. Why would God create anything less than perfect?

 Utopia is the name of the world; and the name of each one of us. Each of us is perfect exactly the way we are. Our true nature is pure consciousness. At consciousness level, each of us is perfect. We have no limitations. The inconvenient is perfect; so is our effort to make it convenient. Nothing is inherently bad or good. Only our perception makes it look like so. We all are part of each other. Some of us complement others. Our unity restores balance and harmony.

We should begin to see ourselves as the universe sees us – perfect, whole and complete. Everything is perfect in the universe; and we came from a perfect source. We have to stay in harmony with our source. We are one with the source. Our true nature is unconditional love.

Not long ago, we were thinking of separation, that we were only our ethnic groups and we were different. Now, because of Corona, the discourse drastically shifts to oneness of humanity. I believe the discourse and we are changing for the better. The evolution taking place is at consciousness level. We are beginning to understand that we are truly one. The human race is one organism. In order to survive, we have to go back to our natural state which is kindness and unconditional love to each other.

Irrefutably, only love, forgiveness and kindness can restore peace in the world. We have to restore the balance in the universe which keeps it in harmony. At the individual level, love nourishes our body and soul. At the community level, love establishes peace and harmony. Our true nature is living in community.

Corona teaches us that God favors us all equally. There is no one special. There is no one outcast. We all are God’s creations. Nature does not support our conflict; but supports our peace and harmony. We have to align ourselves with our true nature and only then we can survive. As love and harmony is the natural law that holds us together, we all have to work toward that end. For one to survive, the other must behave properly. Each of us will survive if we all take care of each other; otherwise, we all go down.

The Corona Pandemic shows us that we human beings are one. The separation discourse that we were promoting is illusion. What one of us does will benefit or harm the others. We are inseparable. The ongoing discourses over the COVID -19 show that not only the human species but also life in general is one. The black, the white, the African, the Arab, the European, the American, the women, the men, the children, the Muslim, the Christian, and all the labels we give become fake in front of Corona. The world has begun to embrace the discourse of oneness of humanity by force; which it refused to accept at will.

Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics and Communication

Kotebe Metropolitan University

The Ethiopian Herald May 13/2020


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