“Covid-19 can be considered as a double-edged challenge for the healthcare and economic growth,” -Dr. Arega Yirduw, General Manager of MIDROC Technology Group


The Coronavirus or the Covid-19 pandemic, which is now affecting the whole world, has also become a challenge for all Ethiopians in terms of healthcare and economic livelihood. Students leave school due to serious concerns. Many private and public sector workers have been laid off. In general, many people are depressed, thinking of the health and economic pressures it causes.

Various individuals, organizations and humanitarians, including the government, are supporting the economic and social crisis of the epidemic so as to prevent it as quickly as possible. If the problem gets worse in the future and everything is completely closed, the collaboration of such pertinent stakeholders will have significant role in saving the lives of many people. MIDROC Ethiopia is one of the government’s allies in doing so.

Recently, Addis Zemen daily approached with Dr. Arega Yirduw, General Manager of MIDROC Technology Group, discussing about how the organization could protect its workers from the Coronavirus pandemic and reduce its impact on the country’s economy. The precautions that must be taken before the problem can be worse are also addressed in the discussion. Excerpts:

 What kind of measures are you taking to protect workers from the Corona virus?

Arega Yirduw: Our organization has already created awareness to our staff about the seriousness of the Corona virus epidemic and the mechanisms as well as all the necessary precautions that should be taken to prevent the epidemic in the country. As a result, our employees are now taking care of themselves with adequate awareness.

Perhaps, if the epidemic escalates, it is important to protect the experts so as to maintain the major parts of the company safe and protective. For example, it is imperative that chemists or professionals involved in the gold mining and ink factory should be protected from the disease. This will help us to easily get back to our previous work immediately after the locked down. To this end, we have created awareness for our employees by teaching them the characteristics and methods of the virus.

To reduce workers’ physical closeness, we have made it possible for professionals at the office, especially older women, to take more medication and to stay at home with our pregnant sisters. Apart from reducing the number of workers taking buses outside the organization’s terminal, we have also increased the number of buses that transport our workers. Companies working in two or three shifts are also urged to work in one shift thereby we could also minimize the number of workers; so that their vulnerability will be reduced.

Indeed, there are economic pressures that arise as we carry out these and similar prevention activities. At present, however, the organization is taking the lead in life. Therefore, despite economic and social pressures, we are taking reasonable precautions to facilitate our way out of the crisis and to work on it.

How do you explain your organization’s preparation to save the economy if the spread of the disease heightens in the future?

Arega Yirduw: Now we are doing our best to follow what the government and health experts say. However, we have gained experience by considering what other methods the world has used if the next pandemic outbreaks occur. Thus, we have accurately set different directions. We will not have the attitude towards price increase, nor do we try to get unreasonable profit.

Because understanding and caring people during this challenging time is an important issue, we are ready to help our staff and the whole community. We still reduced two-month rent fee by 20 percent for our real estate customers. Nobody knows how long the problem lasts and how much damage it causes. So we have to be ready, even with the psychologically, because we have to be prepared to accept everything that comes.

The problem should be addressed primarily to prevent the pandemic before it goes worsening. We, as in other countries, cannot cope with the opening of new hospitals, because we have inadequate oxygen and ventilations, and it is not as effective to put the sick in hospital as the rest of the world does. So it is required of us all to fight the so-called social distancing and take precautionary measures. On our part, we have developed hygienic materials for the safety of our staff and have developed thermometers.

Of course, in the efforts to prevent the disease, the amount of production may be reduced; and it will put substantial impact on the growth of the economy. If the problem goes further, we will face other challenges. So, we need to strive to cope up with the problem; despite it depends on our strength to resist and fall next.

What would be better to reduce the impact of the Corona virus on investment activity?

Arega Yirduw: There is currently a better investment activity in the country. But, since the past couple of years have been a time of several reforms, and we in the private sector have faced many difficulties. It has been two years since the MIDROC Gold Manufacturing Company was shut down completely. This is a large company that produces a gold mine worth ten million dollars a month. Various procedures are being undertaken to resume the company. While we have been waiting patiently for those procedures, the current global crisis has become as double-edged challenge as the saying goes, “pour salt in to the wound.”

However, when the reform process moves in the desired direction and the political leaders who provide leadership and services remain calm, they will turn their attention to the private sector. With this great patience, we did not discharge our experts in this sector for the last two years.

Still, many investments have slowed down due to the Corona virus. However, it is mandatory to uphold workers in their position. Ethiopians in the Midrok Gold Company have been professionals who have worked successfully for 20 years, developing their skills and profession from the foreign counterparts. We are now paying 1,200 employees for the last two years, hoping to keep them safe and secure.

We are confident that despite this economic crisis, it can be more effective when the government become stable after the crisis. As Ethiopia is a small country, our political path is very difficult which in on-and-off phenomenon. However, we have to go through these processes. At this point, the private sector should not lose the stability and security from the government.

I walk along the waves of change and face success, and eventually I become effective. Investors who can work in stable environment will go out for now and come again when they can. Nowadays, politicians have also been in trouble and we are part of that; we have to go out and share the burden. My boss, Sheik Alamudin, and I feel the same way that we will reap fruitful result, if all pertinent stakeholders join hands together for mutual benefit.

How do you think the economy can recover quickly and minimize its impact?

Arega Yirduw: Currently, the network of the global economic hub is broken. As long as we live in the world, the global epidemic of the Corona virus has not yet elapsed or disappeared. Particularly, this will hurt our economy other than the developed ones. We are still trapped by the pressure which make all of us under threat.

Even though we are now vulnerable, how can we cope with it quickly? It requires thinking about where our wisdom lies. The Americans were able to keep workers in their jobs when they were closed. They did it not to be kind and sympathetic. They want to revitalize the economy in short period of time. In the face of such problems, wealthy governments will soon be able to invest and reshape the economy.

Even though our country is trying to invest a little, this is a very serious challenge for our country. It is known that the government has limited capacity. It is hard to keep a worker for two and three months without pay, unless he has been helped. If left untreated, it can be difficult to recover. Therefore, the best way to recover a damaged economy as quickly as possible is to invest in professionals. When professionals stay safe in the company, they can be easily revived when companies go into business.

Of course, in this process, the major economic potentials are deteriorated. So, the government has to act wisely. First of all, it is important to recognize the negative impacts of the Corona virus on the economy. Unless another miracle occurs, we would be extremely vulnerable.

The economic crisis, however, could lead to unprecedented economic catastrophe. The wealthiest nations will survive. A vaccine or medicine may be available after two years. We can also get the medicine after they have used it. So, the priority should be to work for the survival of the human being. At present, the virus is seriously infecting others, but the impact on Africa is not yet clear. We need to worry that we might be behind them.

Apart from the immediate economic pressures, the pandemic also causes psychological damage. In the current situation, the government is doing what it can. But, if we can’t handle the problem quickly, it takes us a long time, and everything will run out of space. If this is the case, it is worthwhile to cooperate together in the fight against the spread of the Virus, since the government alone cannot sustain it permanently.

How much help will you provide if the problem gets worse in the future?

Arega Yirduw: Now we faced two unavoidable health and economic problems. Consequently, we are ready to assist the Government in need. Although it’s good to give anything with a sincere will, the government has the right to take and use it, regardless of any circumstances. We should try to keep our employees in permanent basis. Everyone has to cooperate, just as those who help amid lock down. There are others who hide and get wealth; they have to come out and stretch their hands to help.

Even the prayer of these days is a great help by itself. I am a man of science and religion. Since I believe in both, miracle will be happened with this prayer. I am surprised that all religious organizations came together in this month and engaged in sincere prayer to push back the worst of the situation.

The Ethiopian Herald   April 25/2020

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