BBC, Ahram spread ‘deepfake’ audio on Premier

ADDIS ABABA- Big news media companies namely BBC and Ahram Online have relied on social media actors known for publishing of fabricated contents and disseminated deepfake audio to accuse Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) of refusing to leave his post, media professionals said.

In their discussion program held on Tuesday evening, journalists from local outlet noted that the stated companies have remained powerful tools for the opposition media dubbed ‘Kello’ which claimed to release the Premier’s ‘remark’ about ‘his commitment to remain in power’ to disseminate toxic information.  professionals said.

In their discussion program held on Tuesday evening, journalists from local outlet noted that the stated companies have remained powerful tools for the opposition media dubbed ‘Kello’ which claimed to release the Premier’s ‘remark’ about ‘his commitment to remain in power’ to disseminate toxic information.

 “No-one will be able to form a government in the coming 10 years. I would rather die than hand over power to them.” The remarks are followed by applause,” BBC reported. By the same token, Ahram online published false reports as if Abiy did say “I would rather die than hand over power to them (the opposition)” and “No one will be able to form a government in the coming 10 years” in its June 1, 2021 edition.

The journalists stated that the opposition media and some western partners are working in tandem to manipulate public opinion with a view to casting suspicion among the electorate and the opposition camp about the credibility of the forthcoming General Elections. Cognizant of the successful conduct of the election may force them to lose an agenda, they have been conspiring to block the polls.

The integrated efforts of foreign enemies and their local agents in the media arena are said to convince contending political parties that their involvement in the approaching elections is futile thus withdrawing from the polls. “It is also bizarre to witness the so-called political experts and analysts give ‘explanations’ to the unconfirmed audio clip.”

Noting that Kello attempted to use the audio compilation to negotiate with the government to the unconditional release of all Oromo ‘political prisoners’ without success, the presses indicated that the clip is ‘amateur’s job’ that anyone could easily identify as fake.

The professionals, however, highlighted that media manipulation may contribute to decrease trust of mainstream media, increase misinformation and further radicalization in Ethiopia. “Even when disinformation has been revealed, it may continue to shape public attitudes.” Accordingly, the news media to be more professional and ethical and eschew publishing unchecked information and journalists are expected to serve as a fifth estate-fact checking to provide verifiable information to the public.

“The government and mainstream media should be proactive in sending verifiable information to the public,” the journalists said, adding that media and information literacy which empower the audiences to distinguish what is news from misinformation has become the order of the day. Media audiences on their part should triangulate information from diverse news sources and identify reliable outlets in a bid to get accurate pictures of incidents, they remarked.

It is to be recalled that the supposedly leaked audio, what the media purported to be the Premier’s remark during last week’s Prosperity executive meeting, is confirmed by Office of the Prime Minister as a fake audio compilation that has been put together by drawing on unrelated speeches.


The Ethiopian Herald June 3/2021

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