Council, faithful demand U.S. to condemn TPLF’S child soldier use


ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Advocacy Network and Ethiopian Muslim have demanded the U.S. to condemn use of child soldiers by TPLF cliques.

In a letter written for White House, Ethiopian American Civic Council Chairperson Deacon Yoseph R.Tafari stated that “Regrettably, U.S. Department of State, a prominent body in the world has not condemned the use of child soldiers by TPLF. We ask you to condemn the use of child soldiers in Tigray by TPLF in the conflict which we assure you that the information is correct, truthful, and valid. If this heinous crime act is not condemned today, it will have a monumental consequence on your legacy, and permeate stain in the moral leadership of United States.”

It was learnt that starting from 1949, the Geneva Convention with subsequent additional protocols, the ICC had adopted international Humanitarian Law regarding children. According to article 8(2) of 1981 ICC statute, “conscripting or enlisting children under the age of fifteen years” into armed force or groups constitutes a war crime.”

“President Joseph Biden Ethiopian people have suffered enormously by Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF), an irredeemable terrorist group for the last half a century. TPLF has displaced, ethnically cleansed and dislocated millions of people and has maimed and slaughtered Amharas, Oromos, Somalis, and every ethnic group in Ethiopia. It has committed incalculable crime against humanity by enlisting child soldiers which has been part of TPLF common practice since its inception and sadly it is being implemented today even after a reprieve to cease hostility announced by the Ethiopian government,” the letter noted.

In the letter, the chairpesson said that as American citizens of Ethiopian origin, he and others were pleased last November to support the president’s platform and vote for his vision as a constituency. “Lately, we are concerned about the direction of your policy against Ethiopia mainly run by Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken. Ethiopia had been a staunch ally of the United States for over 100 years.”

Meanwhile, Ethiopian Muslims said deploying children into war is against Ethiopian values and condemned by religious dogma.

 Speaking to ENA while celebrating the 1442nd Eid al-Adha at the Addis Ababa Stadium, Said Al Juhar expressed his disappointment over the terrorist TPLF which deploys children into war transgressing religious and international law.

Forcing children to go to battles, instead of cultivating them in education, religion and discipline to get them ready to inherit a peaceful country, is deplorable, he added.

According to him, involving kids in destructive activities denying their parents to see the bright of their children is also unforgivable.

In Islam, Said noted that forcing children to carry out activities beyond their capacity is forbidden, let alone engaging them in war.

Mohamod Kediri said we have to stop and condemn the atrocities committed by the terrorist group TPLF by deploying children in battles.

As inheritors of this country, children should be cultivated in religious morality and Ethiopian values rather than carrying gun, he stressed.

Children should be sent to schools where their hopes could flourish and become bright, according to Imam Sheikh Salahuddin Wazir and Ibrahim Kedir.

They underscored that sending children to war contrary to this is unacceptable in both religion and humanity.

The Ethiopian Herald July 22/2021

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