(A poetic drama) Indomitable Ethiopia

l Scene I

Rodolfo Graizani is seen sat his new office in Addis Ababa .

A messenger salutes and hands him over a letter telling him it is from Benito Mussoloni.

Graizani reads the message loud


We have done

Things good!

Hurrah at long last,

Using banned

Poisonous gas,

Ancient Ethiopia

We have subdued.

For our damaged moral,

We nurse after

The battle of Adwa,

The aforementioned news

Will be a nourishing food.

Slavish obedience

To fascism

In Ethiopia

We shall advance

Be firm

In our iron grip stance.

Hurrah, Ethiopia

Will remain Italian

Infuse that

We can

With the dictates

Of a gun.

(Graiziani stands up and walks in the room with a jubilant mood while the messenger watches him wide-eyed.)

Yes our subjects,

Ethiopians, serfdom

We shall teach

Hence summoning

Addis’ residents


I have to make

A grand speech.

And also

I will

Coax priests

Slavish obedience to us

To subtly preach.

When our subjects lose

Their identity

We shall

Enjoy liberty

To siphon their wealth

Or property,

Also as a tactic

Among citizens

We should promote disparity.

Messenger what can you say?

Tomorrow will be my day!

(Messenger putting both hands on his head)

Good God

But I’m afraid

You may not do that

Unless every nation-loving


You behead.

Be it luring them with a gold

Or threating them with asword

Unflinchingly religious leader

Will prefer to be a sod.

They will call down

On you a curse

If you try

To besmirch

Their abode

You see

Preachers and the laity

Have a genuine faith

In God.

Also to

Fight back

They are bold.

(Graiziani pointing his finger towards the messenger)

Get out

Me don’t try

To flout!

Rather, let me practice presentation

To grab the audience’s attention

Tomorrow putting on my uniform,

Bedecked with medals,

This message

I will drive home

The video footage

I will send to

Musoloni in Rome!

l Scene II

(Grizani dances into a podium. A messenger ask congregants to stand up for a tumultuous applause)

On nationalistic bombast

We have set a ban

Like it or not

Ethiopia is Italian

By the virtue of a gun.

(Among the congregants stands up a hoary-headed man)

We are citizens

Born free

Yield shall not we

To your crazy decree

Haven’t you read

How emperor Twedros II

Lodged a bullet

Into his head?

Not to surrender

Why don’t you look

After he fought hard

Why his life into his hand

He took.

How do you try

To subjugate

A nation,

With freedom that surfed

The tide of time to date?

Angry Graziani answers

How do you fail to realize

In the meantime Italy

Will help you

To civilize.

(A bomb is thrown by two young adults)

Swish blast

Swish blast

Soon Graiziani realized

How the breath

That could be his last,

Drew close fast.

To Graiziani

After it became stark

He narrowly escaped

A bomb attack

And his speech of


In Ethiopia is

An empty talk,

Still on the floor

He ordered attack.

l Scen III

(Infront of the Yekatit 12 Martyr’s monument a small kid asks his father how Ethiopians regained their independence after the massacre ordered by Griziani, who after surviving the bomb attack, gave instruction for a cold blood retaliation.

The father dressing the hair of his child and looking him said patriots that ambushed at the valleys and mountain of Ethiopia vowed to fight out invaders.)

Waging a gruella fight

Shortly we shall gain our right

Aiming from a tree high

We have patriots

That hit fighters’ jets on a dark sky

“ As hitting a nail on the head

We have fighters

That pierces through

A tight tread.”

“In the nook and cranny

And every gorge

We will wage

Many heroic fight

Enemies from

Our soil to dislodge”

“We have heroes

With an artillery missile

That pierces artillery apart!”

 The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition February 23/2020


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