The Root of All Evils

The poem briefly depicts the cruelty that lies hidden under the skin of all human beings. The skin-deep politeness covers up for the animosity that springs out when things slightly move away from the seemingly civilized state or behavior and dispositions.

Such human behavior has been there since creation. But the magnitude has so much blown out of proportion that it has become a harsh reality that cannot be reckoned with. This is such a sinister global malignant reality that sprang out of the bosom brothers, only to be blown out of proportion and to permeate into the human race through ages, making peaceful co-existence among peoples of the world entirely impossible.

Because of this deeply–rooted evil scheme, the world has fallen into the pit of the never-ending wars. The race for amassing wealth around the world by Europeans has brought nations into innumerable collisions with one another, resulting in unimaginable loss of life and properties and damaging the ecological system, bringing civilization to its knees, and turning man to a mere beast just for nothing.

Due to this satanic scheme, the world has hosted two great wars, World War I and II, in addition to the previous wars among nobilities, crusades everywhere around the globe. The current wars in the Middle East and other parts of the globe have shaken the planet off its peace and stability only to allow anarchy to viscously rule with its cruel arms of the unruly and demonic tyrants to perpetuate the sufferings of the direct victims and the world at large.

In the scenario, the conventional wars aided by a hit and run, ambush, abduction, and human slaughter of IS, Bokoharam and Al Ashabab, have become the descendants of Cain, the first man to spill human blood.

A scheme was designed for behavioral label

Animosity sprang up between Cain and Abel.

The innocence of Abel portrays trustful surrender

He yielded to the untainted selfless offer.

He burnt the sacrifice in meekness and contrite

Cane’s evil heart caused him damnation and plight.

All that he did was a spiritual offense

He had no legal ground to justify in defense.

Responding to divine inquiry to him ever

He arrogantly retorted, “Am I my brother’s keeper”.

The spilled blood of Abel did loudly cry

It sought justice from God, who lives on high.

Cain’s deed augments human greed

That defiantly deters the agape love creed.

Cain was on his high horse, his creator not to adore

Human demeanor it is, no less and no more.

Such malefaction passes from door-to-door

It continues on a large scale from shore-to-shore.

The spoil of hatred delivered up at human’s worst time

The sting of cruelty supplants the character sublime.

Cain’s legacy, cyber music warfare through mainstream

It conducts the rich and the poor in unison to scream.

Vociferously rage racism, ethnicity and cross-border aggressions

It’s reinforced by marine attacks, air raids, and landmine explosions.

Scared is the innocent as modern Cainism devours them

Vanished are their branches and their life-sustaining stem.

Irrational viciousness rooted in barbarism

Millions are consumed by its heinous terrorism.

Terrorism, anti-terrorism, all global sham

People for no avail at each other they slam.

To stop the demagogue, the nations’ don’t bother

They are at loggerheads turning at each other.

Cainians launch attacks from their fortresses

Disregarding the bitter and the fatal consequences.

Denouncing brutish Cain, in support of innocent Abel

Let’s unite before Cain rings the dooming final bell.

The Ethiopian Herald January 10, 2020


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