Ministry reinforcing women empowerment efforts

ADDIS ABABA – The Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs (MoWCYA) has started providing training for women drawn from Regional states and the federal government on Tuesday in the town of Bishoftu.

Opening the training at the Ethiopian Management Institute, Simegn Wube State Minister of WCYA said the principal agenda of the two weeks long training is to empower women and equip them with leadership techniques so that they can contribute in government structures, and maintain the current improvement in women’s leadership and decision making role. The State Minister also asserted that having untouched potential, women have a role in sustaining the current reform.

Women who are serving at each level of government should act with a strong commitment to realizing the reform and nationbuilding initiatives, she added. She also noted that women have paid a lot for the achievement of 50 percent cabinet membership at the federal level despite their low participation at the regional level.

Subsequently, such training can bring change in creating effective women leaders across the country. Founder and Director of Women Strategic Development Center Ambassador, Genet Zewde on her part told the media that empowering woman should not be the task of the government alone, and the whole society should participate in it.

As to Genet Zewde, training and capacity building programs are essential in ensuring the participation of women in decision making. As it is virtuous to see women in taking part as leaders from the president to different ministry levels, and they can certainly perform their responsibility Genet added.

Finally, the Ambassador stressed that the countless roles of the media in encouraging women for showing their potential for leadership. Apart from her association is conducting in collaboration with AAU school of journalism that can put the role of the media in encouraging women. And she also added that the result of the study will be publicized officially for the concerned body.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 17/2019


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