A place to showcase emerging writers’ work

Skimming towards another continent-Australia-The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition has enjoyed the privilege of interviewing Lian Flick, the creator and curator of Novel Collective.

In addition to stunning others with her creative works, she encourages and guides artists. Lian posts on Novel Collective works that deserve the limelight. The website has become a meeting place for artists across the globe.

The Ethiopian Herald: Who is Lian Flick? Do acquaint us with your upbringing and educational backdrop.

Lian Flick: I’ve been working in publishing for 17 years, as a publishing assistant, editor, managing editor and now end-to-end across production, from manuscript submission to releasing the files to the printer and sending digital products live. I’m based in Australia, and my dream is to one day finish a novel.

Herald: When and how were you attracted to creative writing? Could you brief us about your literary works?

Lian Flick: I started writing when I was in primary school. My parents kept some of my very first stories, which were usually illustrated by me too. I entered a few short story writing competitions in high school, but mostly wrote for fun. I never had a shortage of story beginnings, but sadly most remain unfinished.

Herald: You encourage emerging authors and poets across the globe with your website entitled Novel Collective. Would you please relate that to us? How many contributors in how many genres participate in Novel Collective?  

 Lian Flick: I created Novel Collective to give emerging writers and artists a place to showcase their work, and to give them experience in how the publishing process works. From submission, the author goes through the steps they would when publishing a story with a traditional publishing house – from contract to copyediting, proofing and promoting the published piece. We’ve published poetry, short stories, travel stories, interviews and feature articles. Our community currently includes 15 writers and 3 artists. I’m always looking for new talent to showcase.

Herald: How do you currently select talented contributors who want to join the Novel Collective community?

Lian Flick: Contributors can contact me via the Submissions page of the website. I select contributions that fit with Novel Collective’s voice and style.


Herald: What is your message to writers and poets across the globe, especially youngsters?

Lian Flick: Keep writing! Write about what you enjoy. Write about what you know. Writing takes discipline, and it’s an achievement to finish a piece. Don’t be discouraged if your submission isn’t accepted, and don’t give up. Write for yourself first.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 3 November 2019


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