To be part of the whole

Man, by default, is a social being seeking to identify with an individual or a group to enjoy the comforts of belongingness. And with the same impetus desires to something to belong to him to claim of ownership. In other words he becomes part of the Whole, an undivided entity. Solitude or solitary state is the last thing ever desired by anybody.

The whole is an undivided quantity or anything in its entirety. To make the whole, takes combining parts. In other words, it is making a thing that is incomplete, complete, and which is imperfect,perfect. An entity identified as a whole comprises parts put together willingly or forcefully. Individual parts that are forced into the whole always become the cause of the eventual disintegration of the whole devastatingly. It takes a careful and serious evaluation of the characteristics if the individual parts have to make a whole, for the simple reason that if a part of the whole is false, the whole is false.

The negligence to correct the mistake in time, even if it appears normal, its percussions and unwanted challenges keep coming to make the situation unbearable. The situation can go beyond tolerance and forbearance to the extent of causing things to fall apart.The shock produced in this instance is totally unbearable, especially to the other parts that seek to go along with the rest.The striking together of two parts, supposedly designed to form an entity should remain dependably strong.

In music,where a harmonized song with alto, soprano, base and tenor is required to form a quartet, the improper arrangement of the four parts results in discord totally spoiling the beauty of the song only to deserve the disapproval of the audience and more so the musicians’.

A nucleus is an entity, taken as a whole, is acentral part round which other parts are grouped or it is which others collect round; ita central part of an atom consisting of protons and neutrons, the basics of life without which its existence, as a synergized entity, ceases or comes to an end. The united existence of these elements is absolutely necessary for life to continue.

Therefore, each part should belong to the whole and the whole should embrace them all. In such a setup, nucleus, the central part of an atom, is organized as a cell or the whole which in turn is synergized into the greater whole, the human body. Anything short of such arrangement becomes detrimental to the health or even costs the life of the owner of the body, be it human or animal.

Likewise, a family, the basic nuclear institute, is made up of a husband, a wife and their off-springs. To exist as whole body, each member of the family, for the sake of the benefit of the whole, should give up personal interest and stretch out for the common interest. By contributing his part, each member should prove himself that he belongs to the whole. Each member should abide by the law marriage that dictates the strict togetherness of a husband a wife at all costs.

Otherwise, a broken f a m i l y affects the wellbeing of the c h i l d r e n t h e r e b y causing the disintegration of the whole or the family. Being part of the whole is impossible in this case; the whole becomes dysfunctional and each component loses its essence. They cannot be of the same accord in their moving together. Due to the improper relationship among the individuals that comprise the family, disagreement incessantly interferes at every move each member of the family makes in an effort to fulfill the requirements of the whole.

Apparently experiences prove that it is all in vain as one party lags behind in contributing to such a redemptive common venture.Otherwise, the members contend with one another, each seeking more advantage for himself than the other. Such actions are designed to satisfy the self-seeking greed. This fallacy in the formation of the whole is not only limited to the family but it is applicable to the sustainable development at the national level.

Each family should belong to the nation which is the ultimate formation of the whole as a country. A country is a land occupied by people or a nation as a whole. In addition, it is a place of a person’s birth or citizenship. It is the inalienable right that cannot be taken away from every person who is legally recognized as a native.

The conglomeration of peoples with a medley of different backgrounds in a legally defined geographical setting referred to as a country. These nations or peoples can continue to exist together as long as they cling to a common national sentiment by pushing back the selfish motives. Individualism is feeling or behavior of a person who puts his own private interest first, disregarding the interest of the others whatsoever. He is least concerned about what can happen to his fellow man. His desire to pull away from the rest negatively impacts the formation of the whole.

Such tendency of cessation, as opposed to bringing together the ideals of prosperity, will have the resultant effect of dissention, thereby causing the disintegration of the whole that harms all. Man, of all things, is noted for his ability to exist with his fellow man; as much as circumstances permit, and as much as he is insane, synergizing himself to the whole much benefits him much better than dissociating himself from the mainstream. Belonging to the whole secures the members from the attacks aimed at them. A united front will enable all members to easily fend off the attack.

An individual attempt to cop the situation is rather a vulnerable move only to fall prey to the aggressor in which the chance of coming out as victor is inaccessibly remote. Making a concerted effort together with members of the group is highly recommended as it is the only option available in times of crisis such as this. A lone ranger hardly defeats his enemy unless he is extra-ordinarily strong and extremely dangerous.

Such qualities might be the causes for his drifting away from the whole. People of such demeanor are often seen pointing their finger to others forbeing the causes for such horrendous act against a country, which is sheer treason. Such act can be equated to anuclear bomb-blast that can smash and shatter the unity of the people in a given country. As much as the effect of the bomb is devastating to whatever it lands on,and equally does disunity to a country’s unity and social fabric.

As a machine requires the coordination of its different parts to run well, a nation or any set up,likewise, if it intends to achieve a sustainable development, its members need to act cooperatively. The people therein must work together in order to bring about s a t i s f a c t o r y result. No one part should deviate from the norm of unity whatsoever. T u r n i n g a w a y from the usual nation-b u i l d i n g endeavors harms all; it is not only those who are seemingly targeted.

Belonging to the whole generates love and understanding, the pillars upon which the sentiment of caring for one another is built. Availing self to be part of and being merged or absorbed by thebody that strengthens patriotism among the people is of paramount importance.The situation heralds the readiness of the people to love and defend their country from attack by an outside enemy, not among one another, in times of trial such as now.

Each citizen should be tested to prove his or her commitment to safely lead the country through the troublesome political and economic inconsistencies, the time when the situation calls for the unreserved participation and support of all. There should be nothing to be withheld as long as it is for the common benefits and shared interests. Such self-yielding act should not be kept back or kept for other times as long as it is needed now urgently. The time to be of crucial use should not be skipped nor should it be procrastinated.

The reply to the call of the motherland for rescue must be heeded and acted upon immediately and diligently. She cries out to all to converge on her dire need of unity, prosperity and security of each citizen. The response to her plea should be hewn by the spectrums of talents that eachcultural artist brings into the whole and which in turn the whole unfolds it to the world.

When each person willingly places himself in the right and deserving position, the beauty of the country will brilliantly be exposed mesmerizing all who behold it. As a result, the enlightened ones voluntarily vie to belong to the whole. The whole is undoubtedly all. Apparently,we all agree to this irrefutable fact. I, for one, belong to the whole, and you?

The Ethiopian Herald  SUNDAY EDITION October 13, 2019


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