The Drum and The Dream Two drums talking to each other,

Sharing a story and a word of prayer. Evoked vivid images of her long-dead sister,

Thus stirring her emotions Of yester-years: The drums alternate­ly repeated their query, One doing it faint­ly and the other loudly. One said, “She might be among the stars,

Or the planets or galaxies,

On leaving her sister with sobs and tears.”

The other said: “She broke her heart

And wiped out her memories.

Perhaps she was taking

A momentary rest

Miles and miles apart;

Among the woods,

But we neither got a message

Nor received any news.

From the souls on the mountain range, Or the nearby village.” Then the drums kept asking:

What’s our language?

What’s our dream,

 Of Paradise and its ever-flowing stream?

Mindful of giving fur­ther comfort or solace, And touched by a monk Whose sudden disappearance Was announced with grace. Alternately the drums repeated their query, One doing it faintly and the other loudly.

Copyright © 14 September 2019,

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 29 September 2019


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