Racism, the Consumptive Disease of National Integrity

Man is a social being created to co-exist with another man like himself. Similar kinds naturally draw to each, enjoy the company of the other and share joy and trouble in all circumstances. Standing by each other and consciously offering support when need calls it into play, is the unique characteristics bestowed upon man by his creator. Animals might do the same by impulse without considering its impact, be it positive or negative, the situation in which accountability should be seriously considered.

Generally speaking, people thought to have the same ancestors, is categorized as a race. It is eagerly aspired that different races within the same national territory co-exist peacefully creating a ground for common interest of all. The wrong view that one race is better than the others should be done away with. No race ever accepts such attitude that undermines its identity and pride whatsoever.

Cultural differences seemingly present a false notion that one race is less civilized than the other is unacceptable. If at all, it is nothing other than the lack of exposure to relative modernism. Conceptually, modern is understood as belonging to the present or recent time. It is more of relative as every era has its own modernism, for instance 18th century had its modernism as much as 21st century has its own now.

In every era, there are some races who due to one reason or the other may not duly cop with the development around them; distancing themselves or being remote to the development enjoyed by other races. Such situation should not brand them as primitive or savages, incapable of moving on equal pace with other “fortunate” races who are considered civilized.

It is all a matter of staying in close proximity with advanced society. According to sociology, it is assumed that savage a man who is a little better than animal. But man is never an animal or should he be compared with it either. Man is a unique being created with the gift of intellect, a power of thinking, analyzing and judging. He studies or examines something in order to learn what it is all about.

Man, in any social condition, does not take anything at face value. This is true of people living everywhere; if at all there is a difference it is of categorization: high or low level. Racism is prevalent everywhere even among those living in civilized social set up, yet, the principle remains the same, no matter how sophisticated or back word the society is. That power of analysis rules in all situations for the safe existence of man is solely dependent on it.

Racism, which is manipulated by some, in all circumstances, loses control of the blessed human values that promote peaceful co-existence of people. Apparently, the same thread of social adherence, the desire to depend on and support one another, runs through the social fabric of these beings, the humans, despite the variably different geographical settings.

As much as people living in harmony in the same territory as a race, the very type of harmony should be applied to other races too. The exact copy of what is done for our own race should be gracefully extended to the other race too. The tendency of antagonism due to lack of willingness to embrace the other race is nothing other than racism, the consumptive social disease.

Racism is not attached to only one race or a group to be unfairly condemned. However one tries to blame others to be racist, while hiding one’s own crime, it amounts to nothing but fooling oneself. It’s human tendency to undermine others and appear brilliantly justified and faultless.

Racism is commonly practiced by all human races yet, the degree of the shared balance varies from one race to the other. Of course, some individuals or groups capitalize on it while others dimly exhibit it; nevertheless, all are racists. Due to political and economic gains, in the course, the efforts to heap on blames on others, has been there since time immemorial.

Virtually, no one individual is free from such unforgivable assault. As long as all of us are implicated or have a share in such national calamity, it is wise to evaluate oneself and be set on the right track. Hypocrisy, the tendency of falsely making virtuous or good, is a crime one cannot get away with. Sooner or later, our sins shall find us out.

It is reprisal bound to come upon all of us who falsely profess righteousness while our conscience constantly accuses us of being equally guilty. Let us be true to ourselves so that we can be true to others. Otherwise we will all suffer the inevitable public verdict unless we repent while it is still day. Essentially a group that accuses another group for being racist, that very group is the worst racist ever.

To that effect, the Bible says ‘Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye but do not notice the log in tour own eye or how can you say to your brother ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’ when there a log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your eye and then you will clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye”. Unjustly condemning a fellow citizen for the crime we can equally be condemned is the worst mistake ever done. Such situation harms more the individual responsible for such heinous act; the sheer indication that there is retribution for every bad deed.

On the same impetus, racism is manifested in several human relations: religious racism is exhibited at sundry times, the circumstance upon which one claims to be superior to and more righteous than the other. The problem therein is pointing a condemning finger to the other and trying to attack rather that exercising tolerance no matter what.

Of all the racisms, this one is most devastating as people blindly do anything in the name of defense of faith. This issue has lately become the show of force, the balance of power where all try to hang on their faith-strength to escape the attack of the opposing group that can possibly be inflicted on them.

Abreast of this, professional racism upon which one professional is considered to be highly qualified and prestigious than others and looks down upon those he believes are inferior to him in contributing to the development of the country; the blue-collar professionals are despised by the white-collars. However, no matter how plans are designed without a speck by the white collars; without the involvement of blue collars, nothing can at all be materialized. A person full of conceit, due to his uncontrolled pride, irrationally underestimates a fellow colleague only to appear seemingly excellent in all his endeavors, in actuality it is just a mere sham.

Language is another aspect of racism. Simply because a certain language is not used at national level should not be despised. Logically, language is a package containing the cultural values and assets of that particular race, without which the sustainability of the race will be at stake.

In a fair relationship among different ethnic groups, exchanging the good assets and with common understanding avoid those that are causes for dissention, this include mutually giving names to children; exchanging of names rather than rejecting and despising a name of another race as if it does not make sense. Only one race should not be a dispenser of names. Not because the name does not have the same sound as that of the dispenser’s, it should not be considered inferior.

It has full and good meaning and impact in respect to its own culture. Mutual respect among cultures is deemed necessary in creating mutual harmony. In nation building, cultures should be allowed to flourish where they are and then draw to one another willingly sharing their good assets and values and finally merge and become a nation; anything devoid of such steps amounts to nothing other than forcing entities of varying qualities into a small container in which the corporate image of racism reveals itself. In any measure, racism does not benefit any party no matter how we try to justify its maleficent consequences.

Unless races treat one another with love and respect, they will be broken into little principalities incapable of coordinated action. This is the hardest corner of racism.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition September 22/2019


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