IGAD proposes durable solution for refugees

 ADDIS ABABA – Member states of Inter-Governmental Authority on Developments (IGAD) agreed to maintain political momentum in the search for durable solutions for refugees, returnees and host communities.

During their 2nd ministerial stocktaking meeting on the Nairobi Declaration and Action Plan, IGAD member states have agreed to maintain open-door policy across member states and to operationalize reforms in national refugee laws and proclamations.

They also agreed to facilitate refugee registration, issuance of identity cards, and inclusion of refugees in national development plans as well as employment  schemes to ensure self-reliance and access to basic services.

IGAD member also agreed to intensify continuing efforts to address the root causes of increased numbers of refugees and other drivers and to harmonize policy frameworks and structures within member states.

The member states also agreed to undertake periodic assessments and publish an annual report of the state of migration and forced displacement. They will also work to build broad-based and sustainable partnerships and to enhance security and safety in refugee hosting areas as well as to step up mobilization of resources in support of programs for voluntary repatriation and re-integration of the returnees, as revealed.

The Ethiopian Herald  Sept 19/2019


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