Raising awareness for economical usage of irrigation water

Many experts agreed that small scale irrigation is helpful for enhancing productivity and ensuring food security particularly in the drought prone regions. According to the Ethiopian Meteorology Agency, there are about 105... Read more »

Reform through technology

This is an era where technological innovation has took the lead in every sector. In more advanced countries technology and development are two sides of a single coin. Where there is economic... Read more »

Derash integrated payment platform to ease tedious billing system

During the eight months pilot level implementation, Ethiopia’s pioneer e-payment platform called Derash, is winning the heart of billers and clients for its multiple benefits according to its developer, Information Network Security... Read more »

A fight against small pieces of sand

Sedimentation could be regarded as the gangrene of hydro dams, it slowly but surely remove their water retention capacity and eventually kills investments worth multi-million dollars. That is the reason water and... Read more »

Sustainable biodiversity conservation for agricultural productivity

 The Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) founded in 1976, is the oldest and largest seed bank of its kind in sub-Saharan africa. Currently, the Gene Bank conserves 81,805 accessions of 576 plant species.... Read more »

Ethiopia: There are alternative financial instruments

 It is a globally established fact that finance is paramount in bringing economic development and in efficiently allocating and using rare capitals. Ethiopia, like its fellow developing countries, has little capital. It... Read more »

Challenges and fortunes nation’s economy during Abiy’s one year governance

Data for the first quarter of FY (July-September, 2018) point to steady growth momentum, following a deceleration in FY 2017, reported Focus Economics on Ethiopia Economic Outlook, recently. The report reasoned out... Read more »

Remedies for informal cross border trading drawbacks

Cross-border trade (CBT) plays a vital role in improving the livelihoods of people living in border areas. It is a source of income and employment for a large number of people. In... Read more »

How Ethiopia implements its adaptation program

Ethiopia is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change and global warming induced by carbon emission. Sectors such as agriculture, water, energy, health and education are the most affected. Cognizant... Read more »

Protecting legal contract for exporting upper-class coffee, competitive advantage

Coffee export still maintains a top position in earning foreign currency to Ethiopia. In addition to ensuring the volume and quality of coffee export, it is important to properly manage the practice... Read more »