How Ethiopia implements its adaptation program

Ethiopia is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change and global warming induced by carbon emission. Sectors such as agriculture, water, energy, health and education are the most affected. Cognizant of these, to overcome the problem the government has been implementing its adaptation program which is the component of the Climate Resilient Green Economy since 2009.

In order to revitalize the program the Commission for Environment Forest and Climate Change with the cooperation of donors recently conducted a meeting here in Ethiopia’s capital. On the occasion Commissioner Fikadu Beyene told that Ethiopia has an insignificant role in emitting gasses to the atmosphere but critically suffers from the consequence of climate change and to reverse the situation it embarked on implementing an adaptation program which is casketed from the UN plan.

He further said that Ethiopia is impacted by the immediate effect of climate change. The pervasive floods and droughts critically endanger the livelihood of the poor. Therefore implementing the adaptation mechanism has been taken as a way forward.

Enhancing food security by improving agricultural productivity in a climate friendly manner, improving access to potable water and strengthening sustainable natural resource management through protecting geographic areas and water shades is essential.

According to the commissioner, as part of the building climate resilient agriculture, supplying drought resistant and improved seeds, pesticides and other inputs boosts productivity. Water harvesting and the practice of small scale irrigation farms and the construction of warehouses also help farmers to withstand the uncertain climatic situation. The construction of sustainable infrastructure such as roads, health facilities and schools in the rural parts of the country brings positive outcomes in reducing climate impacts.

 In times of food shortage during the drought season, dispatching humanitarian assistance curbs devastation in human as well as animal life. The National Adaptation Plan global network country director Angie Daze on her part said that the implementation of such a plan at country level should be supported by donors in terms of providing updated climate information obtained from satellite, capacity building through training human resources and managing projects at the grass roots level.

 The program also encompass monitoring and information sharing with the expected outcomes being articulation, clear pathways, enhanced coordination and strategic investment which targets sustainable development.

Food security is one of the major components of the program because the agriculture sector is immediately hit by drought and over flooding. In times of food shortage not only farmers but also urban residents face challenges due to the soaring food prices hence working from food production up to the supply of each household diligently is essential.

Side by side with these, the global network supports the Ethiopian government through providing a Climate Resilient Green Economy operational manual, disaster risk management system and advising on climate negotiation.

 While reflecting his views in this regard the World Bank environmental advisor Kahssay Hagos said that, based on the Paris Agreement which took place in 2015 the process is undergoing to channel funds from the economically advanced countries to the developing world to support their adaptation efforts.

Adaptation is taken as a way-out mechanism at the international level because climate change and global warming threatens mankind. It affects life and livelihoods of women, children and men and has high implications on the economy in addition to escalating poverty.

The national adaptation plan integrates the climate change adaptation program into the development plan because every development scheme should go in line with the wellbeing of the environment. Currently the nation is registering rapid economic growth and for that both domestic and foreign investment played a crucial role, however any investment project before launch should assess the environmental impact, this a priority agenda.

 For decades, expanding manufacturing industries and construction works undergone arbitrarily without scrutinizing their negative impacts. Industries drained their waste in the nearby river basins. Forests are cleared for the sake of expanding industrial farms, as a result of which, animals sheltering in the forest migrated to neighboring countries and rain water turned into floods.

Pertinent institutions which have a stake in investment did their business irrespective of the consequences of each activity, such a situation insuring the nation pays a heavy price which might affect future generations. Therefore, not to repeat the past misdeeds, each economic endeavor should consider the utilization of natural resources in a sustainable way. According to Kahssay, development should not be a short term plan.

 It should be designed strategically and for its effectiveness the plan must be country driven, participatory with a sense of ownership, gender responsive, consider vulnerable groups and utilize viable technology.

Furthermore, it should be a mechanism to create a platform between the government, civil society, private sector and pursue cross and multi sectoral approaches. In summary, implementing an adaptation mechanism in a country where agriculture is the mainstay of the economy should be taken as a viable solution because we feel the climate impact in our day to day lives.

The Ethiopian Herald March 31, 2019


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