“The best is yet to come for Addis”

 Addis Ababa, the social, cultural, political and economic center of the country, a place where its diverse residents live together and enjoy a high degree of social harmony, is transforming itself swiftly.... Read more »

Developing green revolution in Africa

Research scientists are studying groundwater resources in three African countries in order to understand the renewability of the source and how people can use it sustainably towards a green revolution in Africa.... Read more »

How to deal with climate change

Never before has half a degree (0.5C) meant so much for humanity. We are behaving as if we have time to deal with climate change. We don’t. The main problem is that... Read more »

More energy for more income

Ethiopia has been one of the rapidly growing countries in Africa for the last ten years. Ethiopia’s plans for socio-economic growth call for expansion in renewable energy, irrigation-based agriculture, manufacturing, hydropower, and... Read more »

New proclamation to boost investment, FDI

Ethiopia is recording steady economic growth with its large population and significant landmass that attracted the attention of many international companies. Over the last ten years, the country has achieved double-digit growth... Read more »

Trust Fund’s family size growing

 The catchphrase “A dollar a day” was coined to open additional window of opportunity to Ethiopians and descendants of Ethiopians’ engagement in the all-round development of their country. It was an initiative... Read more »

A ticket to mutual, sustainable resource utilization

 Lower Nile riparian countries’ hydro-dams suffer from sedimentation which cripples the efficiency of their dams. Greening programs of upper riparian countries is, therefore, a ticket to the longevity of service life of... Read more »

Ethiopia’s abundant potential for wheat production

Many studies indicate that Ethiopia has abundant natural resources and suitable climate condition for crop and cereal production. However, for long, the country has not been able to adopt modern technologies and... Read more »

MSE, solution to meet growing needs for jobs

 The government has recognized and paid due attention to the promotion and development of Micro and Small Enterprises for they are important vehicles to address the challenges of unemployment, economic growth and... Read more »

Rules of origin matters to benefit from AfCFTA

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement- an initiative of the African Union (AU) and expected to create one boundless continent-wide market of 1.2 billion people worth – is the largest... Read more »