“The best is yet to come for Addis”

 Addis Ababa, the social, cultural, political and economic center of the country, a place where its diverse residents live together and enjoy a high degree of social harmony, is transforming itself swiftly.

The City, which is one of the world’s largest diplomatic hubs, the headquarters of many regional and international organizations, a home to several ambassadors and diplomats plus nation’s principal international air hub and the primary doorway to and from the world, is experiencing rapid growth and expanding unprecedentedly.

Without a shred of doubt, the Capital is flourishing and moving forward. Following this growth the number of people flocking to it from sister cities and rural areas is increasing in size round the clock. However, the accelerated rural-urban migration, in turn, is driving the City to unmatched pace of urbanization and growing physical, social, economic and environmental challenges.

The government, to arrest all the challenges and create an environment that supports the growth; improve the living condition of its citizens thereby make the Capital a dream City of its local and foreign residents, has set off comprehensive and integrated urban development initiatives.

Among the major development projects, the construction of ultra-modern city and the Beautifying Sheger Project, a three-year program initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, as well as other service providing institutions such as libraries and museum are expected to alter the features of the capital.

As sources indicate, the La Gare Integrated Community Development Project, which will be constructed on 360,000 square meters of land around La Gare with a total cost of 50 billion Birr, takes a seven year. When finalized, it will have 4,000 apartments, three hotels, office buildings and other outdoor service areas.

The other development project, the Beautifying Project which is going to be built with 29 billion Birr aims to develop the river banks’ of Addis and make the capital green, clean and a worth living. The Project is said will run along the two biggest rivers of Addis Ababa, develops green spaces by the side of the 56 kms, all the way from the mountains of Entoto through the Akaki River.

Upon completion, it will elevate the image and potential of the city by allowing a site of urban tourism, creating riverside economies, enhancing the well-being of its dwellers and enabling the country realize a green economy through the expansion of green spaces.

According to Engineer Tsion Teshome, General Manager of Addis Ababa City Administration River Basins and Green Areas Development and Administration Project Beautifying Sheger Project’ is instrumental to transform and lift up the image of the Capital.

The project is a flagship project and has enticed the eyes and hearts of all Ethiopians and Ethiopia’s companion countries. Many countries have shown high interest to support the project. Surprisingly, the Chinese government taking the lead has commenced operational task to develop the 12 kilometers of ‘Beautifying Sheger Riverside Project, including 48 Hectare a central square.

The project apart from elevating the site of Addis Ababa to urban tourism and creating a huge sum of job opportunity it is believed to support country’s aspiration of green economy through the expansion of green spaces, she said.

Baye Moctar Diop, Ambassador of Senegal in Ethiopia, on his part said that, it is a common occurrence for most cities of developing countries to face daunting challenges including urban population increment as their economies started to thrive. It is known that Ethiopia over the past years has witnessed impressive development. Accordingly, challenges that come about subsequent to the growth are an inevitable incidence.

Addis Ababa is the social, political and economic hub of the country. Reviving the City in a manner it meets dwellers and visitors’ aspiration is vital. Currently, the government is undertaking staggering measures in several important areas with full commitment and dedication to improve the matters. The rejuvenation efforts commenced by the City Administration will definitely reinvigorate the City in every ways, he said.

The Ethiopian Herald July 17/2019


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