Trust Fund’s family size growing

 The catchphrase “A dollar a day” was coined to open additional window of opportunity to Ethiopians and descendants of Ethiopians’ engagement in the all-round development of their country. It was an initiative of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed.

On July 6, 2018, the premier in a statement before the parliament urged the community to make their contribution for vital development and social projects. And his call received swift responses of the community.

To effectuate the scheme, The Ethiopia Diaspora Trust Fund (EDTF), a not-for-profit organization has come to being. Hence, the Fund works to coordinate, among others, the contribution of the community.

A statement the Fund sent to The Ethiopian Herald on July 29, 2019 shows: “The EDTF has continued to grow with donations made through the website wire transfers, bank deposits to the EDTF Citibank and Commercial Bank of Ethiopia EDTF Accounts, PayPal and GoFundMe totaling USD 4 million from about 21,000 donors in 77 countries since 22nd October 2018.”

Yet, as compared to the size of the community, around three million worldwide, more tasks seem to be

 done; hence, to participate more members of the community.

Commending the tasks executed so far, Deputy Director of Ethiopia Diaspora Association Dr. Yohannes G/Selassie said some of the works ought to be aligned with the Association.

Coordination between the Fund and the Association will help address some of the challenges facing the Fund and could help meet the objective with relatively better efficiency.

One of the objectives of the Association is to serve as a bridge between the government and Ethiopians living overseas, and eventually encourage the community to invest their skills, knowledge, and finance in their country, he said.

For his part, Ethiopia Diaspora Trust Fund Executive Director Fikre Zewde said the Fund has established chapters in the U.S., Europe, and other countries.

Most members of the chapters are working on a voluntary basis, he said, they prepare flyers and attend in various events that Ethiopians participate and promote the noble objectives of the Fund. Thus, they register members who would contribute a dollar a day.

The Ethiopia Diaspora Agency, UNDP and Ethiopian embassies have lent hands to the Fund; thereby, increasing its efficiency, according to him.

The Ethiopian Herald July 12/2019


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