Citizens-government’s chemistry in ensuring peaceful, blissful, colorful Meskel &Irecha

BY A STAFF REPORTER We are found at a juncture when internal and external enemies of Ethiopia have exhaustively unleashed their power to fructify the heinous plan they chalked out to derail... Read more »

 A book review the Exodus (Louza ze-tseat) book review by Merid Estifanos Wondimu

BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME The cover of the book is embroidered by a mass of youth, old, trekking via desert, water bodies, air transport and vehicle and on foot. The cover depicts how... Read more »

Is translation an art, a science or both? The perils of ignoring the rules

  BY MULUGETA GUDETA The late Ethiopian writer and translator Mammo Wudeneh once said at a conference on translating foreign books into Amharic, that the important point was to have a good command... Read more »

Perhaps we have too many holidays? Need for critical reappraisal

BY MULUGETA GUDETA The season of holidays and festivities is downing on us so to say beginning with Buhe and followed by Tsome Filseta as precursors to the last and biggest celebrations... Read more »

Why it is important to nurture the next generation of African writers?!

BY MULUGETA GUDETA The African Union’s Economic, Social, and Cultural Council recently launched the second edition of the Young Africans Writing Contest that aims to bridge the gap between African youth and... Read more »

In the age of fake news, how social media sabotage ethical journalism

 BY MULUGETA GUDETA According to some media pundits, the rise and growth of social media nowadays are increasingly creating both opportunities and perils to society at large. On balance, the opportunities outweigh... Read more »

“There is nothing we can’t do if we support each other”

 BY KFLEEYESUS ABEBE Artists in the developed world have huge influence or as some call it they have “soft power” to create political change or contribute for betterment of socioeconomic conditions of... Read more »

A house to rent

BY EPHREM ANDARGACHW Brokers come in all sizes, characters, and backgrounds. I took a day off from the filling station I was working for at the time just to rent a house.... Read more »

“The Rophnan Revolution” Expected to Impact African Music

Are We Heading for a “Rophnan revolution” in African Music?  BY MULUGETA GUDETA When the legendary Bob Marley invented a new music genre known s reggae beats, the world never expected that... Read more »

 Artistic recognition and awards -Better late than never

BY MULUGTA GUDETA Last week’s award ceremony organized by the Ministry of Culture to honor Ethiopian artists is the second such government sponsored event in a matter of a year or two.... Read more »