“There is nothing we can’t do if we support each other”


Artists in the developed world have huge influence or as some call it they have “soft power” to create political change or contribute for betterment of socioeconomic conditions of people. In recent times, it’s become common to see artists with their popularity and resources participating in humanitarian works or activating about things that affect their respective countries or the world at large. American actor Leonardo DiCaprio’s environmental activism, Emma Watson’s women rights activism, humanitarian work of Angelina Jolie, Bono’s advocacy and campaigning against poverty and preventable disease are some of notable examples of hollywood actors’ impact in America and across the world.

Expecting the same here in Ethiopia might be too much given the public stereotype against art, and art works are not paying off as artists in the developed world. Being an artist itself was a challenge. Parents don’t encourage children to be artists due to entrenched beliefs or seeing the life struggle of some artists. So, most artists in Ethiopia must have gone against family and society restrictions to be an artist. Accordingly, Art and artistic expressions in Ethiopia are still at an infant stage. Artists’ influence at the same time has been limited for quite a time.

Things seem to be changing now: public perspective on art and artists is changing, art is becoming paying off and artists’ influence is also growing. Seizing this moment of change, some actors and actresses are contributing share for alleviation of socioeconomic problems fellow Ethiopians face. Among artists that are very known for using their fame to the wellbeing and benefit of society, Actress Mesert Mebrate and Actor Solomon Bogale come on the frontline.

Mesert Mebrate began her career when she was just 18. Since then she has become a familiar face on television appearing on TV commercials, feature films and drama series. Gudifecha was among movies she earned massive recognition and admiration by. Drama series Dana expanded her fan base as she finally became No1 by public voting to win an award for her incredible acting talent.

Mesert didn’t waste this popularity. She used it actively to raise awareness on the plight of children with coronary ailments and mobilize Ethiopians living inside and abroad to support Cardiac center Ethiopia. As Addis Standard reports, the center receives from 10 to 12 children with heart conditions from all over the country on a daily basis. So, they have thousands of children on their waiting list. To upscale their service and reach as many children as possible, the center has been looking for financial and technical support. Therefore, the center’s Goodwill Ambassador Meseret Mebrate has been making efforts including going abroad and raising funds.

Meseret’s journey to the United States shows the rising influence of Ethiopian artists. She was accorded a warm welcome as fans took the opportunity to show their love and respect for the artist. Mesert is loved for her artistic performance but her effort of helping children made her very much adored. Public relation officer of Cardiac Center Ethiopia Nahom Sintayehu in his interview with Addis Standard told of the success of her visit. “She has been promoting the center countrywide and abroad. During her recent travels to the United States, Meseret raised 6,000,000 ETB and linked medical and non-medical professionals with the center to provide material support in a sustainable way.”

Another notable philanthropist and artist is Solomon Bogale. Solomon has proven his potential in acting at early ages. He is now among dominant Ethiopian actors performing in major amharic feature movies such as The 11th Hour (2007), Sost Maezen (2013, ) Abay vs.Vegas (2010) and other 22 films. He also starred in major drama series such as Kebebelosh and Sew le Sew. He is now acting on very popular drama “Eregnaye”.

Solomon is also known for being very affectionate and generous to people. He once sold out his car to help people ailing with kidney problems. He sustained his charity work organizing a team of artists who are friends to him and know what he intended to do. He initiated the foundation of Hibret Lebego Ethiopian’s Charity Association in June 2015. The association’s blog puts the foundation history of the association as follows:

“It inception was much impacted by the personal initiative took by the renowned artist Solomon Bogale to sell in auction his private vehicle to rescue the life of two chronically sick Ethiopians, Alazar Degefe and Tigist Kifle who were suffering from kidney failure and heart problem respectively. Solomon and his friends however, realized that such a support mechanism could not address the problem of the people suffering from the same problems, rather need for an organized effort through formal association.”

Thanks to Solomon, the 8 years old child Alazar Degefe survived after being diagnosed with congenital and kidney problems in Germany. Tigist Kifle, a 38 years old female patient with severe heart disease has also been diagnosed in India with the support of Solomon.

Other patents beginning from six month to fourty years with kidney problems and other related ailments have been saved by direct support of Solomon or by people who respond to Solomon’s call.

Witnessing the agony of children and disadvantaged people in general, Solomon along with his friends continued to invest time and energy for this noble cause. Notable actors and cinematographers such as Yegerem Dejene, Samson Taddese, Biniam Worku, Sisay Bekele and others maintained cooperation with Solomon and realized Hibret Lebego Ethiopian’s Charity Association. Solomon envisioned construction of a referral hospital and providing quality and affordable health services to people. He is very optimist. He said, “There is nothing we can’t do if we support each other”

TV personalities like Seifu Fantahun, Comedian Eshetu Melese and others seem to follow this example as they have already dedicated time for philanthropic purposes. It is expected Ethiopian artists influence, popularity and benefit from the sector to grow. Simultaneously, it is fair to assume they would give back to their fans and the people in a number of ways. They would use their popularity, connection and resources for positive purposes like shaping society through their awakening art works and mobilizing society to help each other and reach to the needy.

The Ethiopian Herald  14 August 2022

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