Citizens-government’s chemistry in ensuring peaceful, blissful, colorful Meskel &Irecha


We are found at a juncture when internal and external enemies of Ethiopia have exhaustively unleashed their power to fructify the heinous plan they chalked out to derail the country’s surge forward.

Turn by turn and in synchronicity; they are launching upfront war, terrorism, diplomatic pressures, and propaganda campaigns. It is important to understand that, as per the nature of the attacks, it is the responsibility of all Ethiopians to foil such attacks targeting the country.

Including Addis all major cities of the nation must watch things with pelted eyes to parry to dos the Terrorist TPLF has in store for a nasty surprise as things are exposed in the bogeyman’s recent leaked document of wrecking down a country that boasts ancient civilization and time-old unity in diversity.

Obviously the terrorist group and connivers could put Addis top on their target list. Hence, as never before, residents of the town are expected to work hand-in-glove with the City Administration in warding off heinous plans.

In the coming weeks colorful Addis will mark the celebration of Meskel(the finding of the true cross) and Irecha in a manner that transfix tourists. As the holidays are outdoor celebrations people in droves pour out into the streets taking the vibe to a higher scale. The eve of Meskel called Demera is the day a bonfire is set ablaze.

In as much as there are citizens eagerly looking forward to the day that promises spiritual nourishment and that serves occasions for soul-searching, there are sadists that aim at attaining wrong political objectives and busy in counting down days.

Here it is appropriate to recall that the Terrorist TPLF was threatening that as it started a chaos in Addis it would cap it off in Addis. It is crucial to note that in executing its diabolic ends Terrorist TPLF will not bat an eye from clicking with groups of similar nature like OLF Shene .Via people-and-government chemistry the chimera’s motives of marring peace in Addis and rocking a nation were arrested. The good job has to continue.

Residents of Addis, organizing themselves in groups, are guarding their surroundings on top of similar activities. Undeterred by the chilling cold of the night they are looking four fifth columnists, whom they hand over to police up on capture. It was via such harmony the previous threat of Terrorist-TPLF went up in smoke. Residents of the city have proved their own guard.

Consolidating the experience the city administration has set the ball rolling. Residents are resonating with it. What a timely action!

Though maintaining peace is the cardinal task of the government, the active participation of citizens, undoubtedly, consummates it with success.

Aside from the rearguard and support residents of the city are extending to The Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), they are playing quite a role in ensuring a sustainable peace guarding their surroundings. This has to be replicated across the nation. The recent statement of the Mayor to EBC was in the same wavelength.

Wish you peaceful, blissful and colorful Meskel and Irecha.

The Ethiopian Herald  24 September 2022

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