A bat

 Early at night If you see A flying rat In a way That is not right A zigzag Be sure it is a bat. Sitting on A big tree and Winking with... Read more »

 Nursery Rhymes sure proofs of bonding with children

By Alem Hailu G/Kristos I grew up imbibing nursery rhymes which teach language in an effortless also in an informal way. They help widen one’s vocabulary. Teachers and parents could use this... Read more »

Ancient Gelta Mariam Church Historical archive with tourism potential

The Southern Ethiopia is mostly visited by local and foreign tourists for its cultural and natural assests. It is rare this region to be seen as a place of pligrimage. Its historical... Read more »

Why African writers are underrepresented in Nobel Prize for Literature

BY MULUGETA GUDETA When last year the Nobel Prize for literature went to the African writer Gurnah, Nigerian Nobel winner Wole Soyinka, considered by many as the colossus African literature, said that... Read more »

Modernizing and Africanizing traditions that date back to centuries

BY MULUGETA GUDETA What else after the successful celebrations of Irreechaa Finfine and Irreechaa Hora Arsedi last week? Maybe it is time to think about the tradition more seriously, more profoundly and... Read more »

I have questions…?

BY SENAIT G/HIWOT What kind of life do I wantWhat kind of life do I needLife has offered me what it canBut I can’t make the most of itI  rarely listen to... Read more »


BY SENAIT G/Hiwot If a boat is in a harsh weatherYet peaceful inside for the masterTo command it to go furtherIt can overcome the weatherIf it is the other way aroundAnd the... Read more »

The Finding of the true cross (Meskel)

BY Alem Hailu G/Kristos From the 4 corners of AddisSunday school studentsAt a Meskel Square make a throngAll the procession beating a drumUlulating and singing a songWith a passion strong. “Queen Helena... Read more »

It could buy the priceless life

BY ALEM HAILU G/KRISTOS Though life is pricelessAnd invaluable,To be frank,The blood, one donatesTo a blood bank,An oasis inLife-devoid desertA delivering mother’sAn accident victim’sA nation defendingSoldier’s life,Helps to regain back!What a lofty... Read more »

What life is?

BY SENAIT G/HIWOT Life is easy but i find it hardI set my self a high standardI become sad when i should smileI put myself in hurdles of desireA desire that may... Read more »