How to celebrate holydays in a mood?!


Holydays are special and handful days when people stop monotonous day to day life and give time for things they give high value or just for themselves; to rest, to realize, to entertain, to get together with people, to visit, to go pilgrimage or to enjoy every bit of life. Usually, holydays are related with religious festivals but according to Encyclopedia Britannica, in modern times, a holyday is “a day of either religious or secular commemoration.” Victory day, Independence Day, and New Year’s day/festival are some of secular commemorations that can be mentioned. For Americans, holiday can just mean vacations. Whatever the definitions, it is expected and it is very normal people to be in joyous mood during holydays. But sometimes these festivities, the frenzy gets out of hand and make holidays depressing or regretful times. For that not to happen, it is advisable to take some preparations and precautions.

Among the things that could affect moods of holydays is our eating habit of dining. In times of holydays, there is always plenty foods and drinks prepared and served. Overeating and eating foods that we are allergic to can change all the mood of the holyday. You might spend the rest of the holyday or even days after the holyday treating yourself. So, it is very essential to be careful about what we eat and drink. We should know what our limit is, and identify what foods and drinks are healthy to our body. For Ethiopians whose holydays usually come after long periods of fasting, it this is very necessary to have a good holiday. Most Ethiopian foods are spicy and have fats so it is mandatory to wacth what and how much we consume.

Holyday extravagance can also undermine the beautiful holyday celebrations. It can erase or replace bad memories instead whenever we remember the holyday. Thus, celebrants should have a budget of holyday expenditure. It is expected to spend more than the usual time but it must be affordable to our lives. If not, by the next day we might get ourselves in debt.

During holyday, people engage in various activities. There are bustling markets, commotion of people and traffics. These inadverntly creates incidents such as loss of property as pickpokets, robbers, and burglars take market placest safehavens. Because we might be in so much activities that could result in electric shock and fire, car accidents. Similar tragedies may affect your mood. So, it is important to take note of this and be mindful in times of holydays. Not just that you involve in accident or cause accidents but you might experience if you don’t take proper care. For instance, three years ago I was almost hit by car that was being driven by a tipsy driver. Since then I don’t get out

 Holydays could also be some crazy days if they don’t have purpose. It is good to know the goal of the holyday and identify “what to do” and “what not to do”s during holdays. Otherwise, you may do something opposite and dishonor the holyday you intend to respect. For example, Christmas is annualy celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. While celebrating the holyday it is vital to remember the birth of Jesus in a ways that you can. It might be listening to spritual songs, reading Christmas stories in the scripture, reciting your prayers, talking about the birth of Jesus to your families and friend or praise or worship God. Humility, love and sacrification are some of the take aways from this holyday.

Religious holydays have some protocols and customs in common. One of these is to forgive. Holyday is a joyous and free time so how could it be full spirited unless people get rid of their anger, grudges and let go of resentments. So, make sure that you have forgiven people if you have been with such feelings. And, if there are people you have hurted you should also ask for forgiveness or else holydays will miss the whole point.

Holydays are times of showing gratitude to God. In Ethiopia, people thank God for letting them see this auspicous day by using the phrases, “enkuan adereseh/adereseshe” (Felicitate for the Almighty allowed you to witness this day), and the reply enkuan abro aderesen (The feeling is mutual. Both of us owe the Almighty a Happy and grateful day for the lord kept us alive and together to see this day).

Another integral part of holyday celebrations is comforting the saddened; people who are grieving, people who are in different  problems, the sick or people who are in prison. It is good and truely spiritual to do these activities during holyday times. So by doing one or all of these activities, we can achieve the goal of religious holydays. The Holy bible for instance says the following.

For I was hungry

and you gave Me something to eat;

I was thirsty

and you gave Me something to drink;

I was a stranger and you took Me in;

I was naked and you clothed Me;

I was sick and you took care of Me;

I was in prison and you visited Me.’

Though generosity and charity are expected to be practiced in every day life of religious people, they are very needed in times of holyday for many reasons. For one thing, people in need shouldn’t feel they are left out while most people are having good times. Because we have time, it is easier to be generous and charitable more than any day or time of the year. Many religions also encourage followers to be mindful and reach out people who are in need.

Last but maybe the most important thing during holyday celebration is to get together with family, friends, and community at large. Holydays are usually reserved for hanging out with friends and family members. Not following this tradition might ruin the holydayvibe. Therefore, it is so important to be with somebody than spending holydays alone. You might visit your grandmother or grandfather. It is a great time for grandparents to meet their granddaughters and grandsons and cheer. It is also an important time to know your neighbors. The hectic life may not give you the chance to connect with your neighbors and surrounding community. But holydays create this opportunity; either you invite them or you get invited and you will know neighbors. For Ethiopians, holydays are also times to have multicultural merriment. Tasting different dishes, and performing clutural dances and having conversation can create an extra atmospehere to the holyday.

In conclusion, preparation, caution, being guided by principles and having goal makes holyday worth it. If not, it would be devastating. There are instances people got in trouble after holydays. To avoid this problem, it is now we prepare ourselves for productive and joyous holyday.

The Ethiopian Herald  7  January 2023

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