Animating slave trade

Recently the Alliance Ethio-française, Addis Ababa had organized a film screening and a question-and-answer program based on a film entitled The Water Will Carry Us Home. Through living ritual and stop motion... Read more »

The Teacher’s Advice

Once a teacher said to a young man, “ In life, there isn’t much time for fun, So, work hard with all your might; Without respite, be it day or night. Don’t... Read more »


Having gone through the poem here below, I committed it to my memory and have been reciting to friends several times who are interested in poetry; the poem embodies the idea that... Read more »

The undaunted painter

There is no gainsaying the fact that challenges are bound to happen in life. By their very nature, human beings every so often stumble upon a wide spectrum of life challenges. They... Read more »

Bolstering Ethio-Italy’s cultural, artistic dev’t

Various cultural institutes are there across the globe. There is a huge network of such institutes. Of course, the same is true in Addis Ababa. The institutes here play a key role... Read more »

St. George Museum

St. George Museum is located near the northern entrance of the St. George Church. Visitors are allowed to go into the museum with a fee. A notice put up at the entrance... Read more »


A land of unity not dissension  Ethiopia is endowed with so many natural wonders. It is also marked for diverse ethnic, cultural and language mixes. It had never been colonized. Our ancestors... Read more »

A blessed family in photography

Eliyata Daniel, 10, is a talented kid in photography. He is also famous among his family members, relatives, neighbors and schoolmates for his curiosity to know something new. Of course, this curiosity... Read more »

The Controller

On a bright Sunday morning, in Addis, A man took a bus to see his niece, The bus went up the main road, Its doors opened and closed. Then came in a... Read more »

The End of the Beginning

Life’s a cycle that moves on a wheel Starting in the womb and ending in the tomb. If life were something that money can buy The rich would live and the poor... Read more »