Excelling in diplomatic endeavors

 Through aligning its interests with many countries and playing laudable roles at regional and international levels, Ethiopia has maintained its diplomatic relations with many nations across the globe. For instance, from early days, it played a leading role through contributing to United Nations peacekeeping efforts; most of its troops served in Darfur, South Sudan, Congo and the like following the decision of the Security Council to allow the UN military presence in these areas to restore order and peace.

Indeed, Ethiopia has consistently been cultivating its relations with the East, West and Global South nations, recognizing the mutual benefits can be gained through international cooperation. The current circumstances of the globe demand nations to strengthen their relations to the extent they ought to collaborate to manage the growing global challenges.

Ethiopia prudently appreciates the necessity of working with any nation across the globe for the benefits of its peoples and that of others. Recently, the leaders of Ethiopia and Venezuela have agreed to improve their diplomatic relations in various areas of common interests. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and Yvan Gil Pinto, the Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, met to discuss ways to advance the bilateral relations between the two countries. Interestingly, the discussions of the two leaders established ways for the two countries to reach common understandings that enable them to improve and diversify diplomatic cooperation in many areas.

Moreover, during their discussion the Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen agreed to excel in the bilateral relations. Demeke said, “It is high time to deepen the historic traditional relations with Venezuela,” commending Venezuela’s principled and consistent support to Ethiopia in various multilateral forums while Foreign Minister Yvan Gil Pinto said that his country is keen to work closely with Ethiopia in agriculture, education, tourism, energy and health.

Furthermore, its recent move to sign eight million Euros financing agreements with the Republic of Ireland has marked a new diplomatic era of Ethiopia. At the signing ceremony, Finance Minister Ahmed Shide commended the long standing diplomatic relations between the two nations. Certainly, the ceremony plays a praiseworthy role in revitalizing and advancing the relations considerably. In the last couple of decades, previous leaders of Ethiopia met the leaders of the Republic of Ireland to discuss ways to cultivate relations in trade, tourism, education and investment; and various achievements that boosted the benefits of the people of both sides were registered.

In sum, Ethiopia has been working to improve and reach its diplomatic relations to a new height with neighboring and other African, Asian, Western countries. Ethiopia’s principled diplomatic efforts are bearing fruits since it focuses on four main pillars including ascertaining sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, promoting national interest, economic diplomacy and citizen centered diplomacy. Regardless of the incessant changes in global circumstances, Ethiopia has always maintained its historic and long standing relationships through applying the age-old international principles of peaceful coexistence and non-interference into the internal affairs of other countries. Most importantly, Prime Minister Abiy’s leadership has been carrying out very crucial diplomatic moves that have improved partnership with the neighboring countries and beyond. All these and other moves have excelled nation’s various diplomatic relations.


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