Understanding foes in South Sudan

Understanding foes in South Sudan could be quite an issue one grapples with. Despite what has been delivered after a tedious peace deal among the parties involved in the conflict it seems... Read more »

Unbent yet unchanged: the paradox of African descents quest for anti-racism

I was born by the river in a little tent Oh and just like the river I’ve been running ever since It’s been a long time, a long time coming But I... Read more »

Tana: A lake at stake

Before the corona virus pandemic and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) absorbed all the public attention at home, the infestation of Lake Tana with water hyacinth, was a major public concern.... Read more »

COVID-19 and China-Africa partnership: The need for more cooperation

   Institutionalizing the cooperation To guide and shape the ever growing interactions between China and Africa, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) has been instituted and it became the main platform for... Read more »

Coercive diplomacy: Cairo’s last call?

Amid the intense coverage of Egypt’s maneuvering over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and Sudan’s alleged indifference on the issue being echoed among Cairo’s establishments, Ethiopia is on schedule to start... Read more »

Wary pendulum: Will China cancel Africa’s debt?

It was in April 2017 in Beijing, the Chinese capital city, when this writer had attended a long lecture on China’s flagship project known as, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) augmented with... Read more »

A Tale of two animals

Through time and from various perspectives animals have never been detached from human societies. Anthropologists have the phenomenon called “totemism”. It is a belief in which humans are said to have kinship,... Read more »

Coronomics: A matter of life, debt

At this moment, no one is certain when the COVID-19 disease will be put under control. Taking note of the type of economy the world have become used to over the past... Read more »

Black conundrum

Well, this piece is inspired by the latest social media outcry that followed to the announcement of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) chief who has been receiving racist insults amid the global... Read more »

Persons in frontline A tribute to healthcare professionals fighting COVID-19

 The 18th-century Welsh factory owner and social reformer, Robert Owen was known for saying, “God and the Doctor we alike adore. But only when in danger, not before; the danger o’er, both... Read more »